
/fph/ - Fat "People" Hate
/fph/ - Fat "People" Hate

/fph/ - Fat "People" Hate
Previous thread


No source talk

Read the R*ddit wiki

No SARMS zoomers


Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread /QTDDTOT/

Are multivitamins and taking daily vitamins a meme or have any value for a """""natty stack"""" or unless a doctor tells you are deficient are they not worth taking.

/fit/ webm thread

/run/ /roon/ - Running General
/run/ /roon/ - Running General

/run/ /roon/ - Running General
>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

>I want to stretch

>Performance calculators


Monday’s Indomitable Spirit
Monday’s Indomitable Spirit

Monday’s Indomitable Spirit
It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open

/cbt/ Astronomical Aesthetics Edition
/cbt/ Astronomical Aesthetics Edition

/cbt/ Astronomical Aesthetics Edition
>170 lbs

We are all gonna make it.
In fact, some of us already have…

Is 40 the end?
Is 40 the end?

Is 40 the end?
is it basically the point of no return? Even if you are muscular and low body fat you're still seen as old and pathetic by everyone around you. Like you will never be seen as a a fit, healthy, and thin person. I just have never been so demoralized before going to the gym at this age. Everyone is absolutely disgusted by you no matter how you look.

/bfg/ - 30+ fitness general
/bfg/ - 30+ fitness general

/bfg/ - 30+ fitness general

Is Gen Z actually aging like milk ? Tbh I don't remember millenial women looking so haggard in their 20s


Bros I just got married and I tried picrel for the first time. Most fun I’ve ever had. Had no problem picking her up and bouncing her around even though she’s 6’2” 155lbs.
Any tips on how to get better or last for longer? Sure, it was enough for both of us to get off but if I come home tired from work then the adrenaline might not kick in.
Anything is appreciated. Thanks

>inb4 not /fit/
I’m trying to get more athletic for the both of us, and there’s no good resources online

How do you get rid of the belly pouch?
How do you get rid of the belly pouch?

How do you get rid of the belly pouch?
It is always there no matter how much ab workout I do or how lean I get

pushup thread
pushup thread

pushup thread
its time to roll

What are some of the more subtle signs that a woman is on steroids?
What are some of the more subtle signs that a woman is on steroids?

What are some of the more subtle signs that a woman is on steroids?



best of /fit/ thread

>Deadlifting in a graveyard