Is Gen Z actually aging like milk ? Tbh I don't remember millenial women looking so haggard in their 20sthis is a bodybuilding OP a retard who falls for sensationalist garbage? the answer is yes and that woman is clearly extremely bogged>>75129442
Anyone getting plastic surgery is aging like milk. This bit does not look like this because she was born in 02>>75129442
Women are just extremely fragile and zoomers are destroying themselves with make up more than any generation before. I’m a late millennial and all the girls my age destroyed themselves in their early 20s from too much sun and alcohol.>>75129442
It's the usual thing where roasties age like milk.>>75129442
Generation Z all look like their fifty+
Drinking industrial waste and no water does that to a 22 and i look the same as i did as i was 14 (except i have more acne and im fat now)>>75129442
Sun, plastic surgery>>75129451
It's not.>>75129486
just shut the fuck up, zoomers rot inside their homes all day more than any other generationThe 40 year old millenial thread rewlly got you this ass blasted huh>>75129505
Evidently not>>75129442
>endless one-night-stands with Chads who creampied her and threw her in the trash the next morning
>constant pressure on social media to get likes and be present
>endless decisions due to options left and right, while her female brain is designed to be guided instead of making own responsible decisions

modern women are mental and neuronal wrecks due to stress. its is a MAJOR aging factor>>75129535
I have never seen a zoomer go outside and zoomers look both more feminine and somehow older than any generation before.

So congrats, lack of sun makes you look gay and old.>>75129442
Fifteen years ago, people had somewhat valid points about how being attracted to girls in the 14-17 bracket was a little on the creepy, even though it adhered to a biological pattern on the larger timeline of human nature.

But in that short span of time between 1990 and 2010, a 12 year old now looks 15, and a 22 year old is closer to 28. I don't know what they're putting in the food, but they need to stop. This shit is ridiculous.>>75129505
Obviously you have never been in the sun if you haven’t met a 21 year old hippie girl with wrinkles like she is 40 before.