Monday’s Indomitable Spirit

It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is openI won't fap this week, I promise anons.>>75123444
Almost gave up, decided not to. WAGMIGot bad sleep, but wont let it impact me. Ill still go and gym. I used to post so much depressing shit in these threads before and now im feeling so much better. Stopped drinking and smoking. Started taking care of myself, started achieving some goals. Feels nice. Thanks guysFelt really bad. Took a few steps back. But Its a new week. I'm not going to watch porn, not going to masturbate. Not eating fast food. I'm going to work out. I'm going to church this week. I'm going on a hike in the woods. I'm eating eggs and beef.

I will win