Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread /QTDDTOT/

Are multivitamins and taking daily vitamins a meme or have any value for a """""natty stack"""" or unless a doctor tells you are deficient are they not worth taking.>>75121035
El Cheapo multivitamins work, because people have weird cravings if they don't take them and they stop when they do. That means they're absorbing vitamins and minerals from the multivitamin.This is my current routine I've made with help from /fit/. Am I neglecting or overworking any muscles? Is there anything I should change?

walk approximately 7000 steps with the dog, including approximately 130 steps downhill and 130 steps uphill (cardio, legs)

day 1:
weighted push-ups to failure (chest, front deltoids)
body weight push-ups to failure (chest, front deltoids)
5x5 squats (front upper legs, low back, glutes)
5x5 Romanian deadlifts (hamstrings, glutes, low back)
weighted calf raises to failure (calves)

day 2:
5x5 floor press (triceps, chest, front deltoids)
5x5 bicep curls (biceps)
5x5 reverse flyes (rear deltoids, rotator cuff)
5x5 upright rows (lateral deltoids)
wrist extensions to failure (back forearms)
5x60 steps of farmer's walk (front forearms, traps)

day 3:
3x12 ankle weight leg raises (core)
30 weighted crunches (core)
2x70 ankle weight bicycle crunches (core)
pull ups to failure (lats)
one minute weighted plank (core)

days 4-6:
repeat days 1-3

day 7:
restI haven't smoked weed for five years, but I still have an old vape pen lying around. I am particularly bored today and considering smoking it. Should I?>>75121035
its a meme>>75121205
no. Throw it outIs "net carbs" (I.E. Total Carbohydrates - Fiber - Sugar Alcohols) a meme?
For example, I keep seeing shit in the store that says "0 net carbs!", but when I read the nutrition label, it's like 10 carbs.