>dozens (hundreds according to reuters) of pagers used by hezbollah militants just simultaneously exploded in their faces all across lebanon
what fucking weapon is capable of doing this?>what fucking weapon is capable of doing this?
The Yellow Press>>62523314
Twitter screencap threads should be punishable by death>>62523314
it'd be wild if there was a nation that they continually antagonized that had a history of exploding telecommunications equipment.Battery forced to overheat somehow (being lithium, will explode) or a supply chain attack with explosives smuggled in set to some secret timer. Israel has done the latter before with cell phones, but that was for a far more targeted assassination mission against one specific guy, with the phone being given to him by a "trusted friend/family member" turned by Mossad. The Israelis made a call to the phone, verified it was the guy on the other end and blew it.

My bet is supply chain attack a few months in advance, Israel caught wind that someone may have figured out there were bombs in the pagers, and they sent out the activation code or whatever via Hezbollah's pager network.

There's a lot of shills here right now and I'm assuming this is some of them, expect 15 slide threads.

Absolutely insane to fall for it twice. Holy fuck. Didn't they do this shit to Iran too a while back with a massive bomb smuggled inside a piece of hardware in one of their nuclear sites?>>62523314
samsung batteriesSome videos/pics
>https://x.com/MosheReports/status/1836034211880272364Oh, it was Hamas, but same thing.

>In October 1995, Kamil Hamad met with Shin Bet operatives, demanding money and Israeli identity cards for himself and his wives. After they threatened to inform on him, he agreed to cooperate. Shin Bet agents gave him a cell phone and told him it was bugged so they could listen in on his conversations.[17] They did not tell him that it also contained 15 grams of RDX explosive.[3] Hamad gave the phone to his nephew Osama, knowing that Ayyash regularly used Osama's phones.[18]

>At 08:00 on 5 January 1996, Ayyash's father called him and Ayyash answered. Overhead, an Israeli plane picked up their conversation and relayed it to an Israeli command post. When it was confirmed that it was Ayyash on the phone, Shin Bet remotely detonated it, killing him instantly.[3] He was in Beit Lahia at the time.[19]>>62523314
Any sufficiently badly manufactured battery is indistinguishable from a bomb.>>62523314
Faulty batteries. Shit happens if you don’t maintain the batteries or if the batteries are too old to be used in a safe manner. Lithium is not a joke and Samsung had issues with their phones exploding because of shitty batteries.>>62523352
Shouldnt they call first?
>now we're outright denying it
They all exploded, randomly, at exactly the same time you fucking morons.