
>more comms blowing up in lebanon

/hg/ - Handgun General #1381
/hg/ - Handgun General #1381

/hg/ - Handgun General #1381

About the Toropetz warehouse nothingburger
About the Toropetz warehouse nothingburger

About the Toropetz warehouse nothingburger
In case you're wondering, the explosion was seen from space.
What do you think the TNT estimate was?
30 kT?

How would modern militaries fare compared to the average Imperial Guard regiment?
How would modern militaries fare compared to the average Imperial Guard regiment?

How would modern militaries fare compared to the average Imperial Guard regiment?
I'm curious about how our soldiers and equipment would compare to WH40K average Guard regiment.
Obviously just in fields that are comparable like training, military doctrine, guns, tanks, ground logistics, etc. We have no real space warfare capabilities (yet) so there is no comparison to be made in that case.

/kg/ Knuckleduster
/kg/ Knuckleduster

/kg/ Knuckleduster
Greetings /k/,

I would like to start a knuckleduster general. I've searched the archives and wasn't satisfied with what has been posted so I figure I would fix that.

I've been training with knuckledusters, saps, and knives this year. Tried to find as many weapon manuals as I could on the best way to use the weapons, and seriously analyze what would be a great compliment to my pistol I've carried for over a decade. And I've come to the conclusion that knuckledusters are a superior weapon for both offense and self-defense scenarios in close quarters combat. Figure I'll share some of my research.

Knuckledusters have been legit weapons for a very long time. From the rock in the hand, to the caestus, tekko, Hawaiian Lima Meau Kaua(Shark teeth knuckle duster), Indian indramukti, to the modern versions you saw pop up around the 1800s with the Parisian Apache gangs, American west and Civil War. They were used by Abraham Lincolns personal guards as well as during WW1 and WW2.

When I first started researching and training with this weapon, I found many myths surrounding how to use it. And it's mainly the fault of shitty manufacturing and Hollywood movies.

You absolutely need the palm swell in line with your forearm and in a tight fit. If there is any give or you can't hold it the right way, I wouldn't even bother using that cheap piece of shit. A well made pair of knuckledusters will fit your hand snugly and firmly and you should have zero give and be able to punch at full force into a solid object like a tree with no pain. Which finger knuckles the weapon aligns with doesn't matter as long as the KD is in line with your arm and you have a good palm swell. The leopard punch grip you see alot of old timers talk about is an adaption they did to the paper weights that flooded the market decades ago in order to wield these cheap knockoffs. Just like with knives or pistols, with brass knuckles you get what you pay for quality wise and it makes a big difference.


/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #433
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #433

/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #433
None of this matters editon

Post wood (furniture)
Buy Battle Rifles
Shoot Battle Rifles
Talk about Battle Rifes
Rage against the b8 hammer
Call a Fren. Hard time ahead

Thread Theme ~

As always; No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>62349113

AR Thread - /arg/
AR Thread - /arg/

AR Thread - /arg/

/nvg/ger - Night Vision General
/nvg/ger - Night Vision General

/nvg/ger - Night Vision General
Almost the end of summer edition

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci

*record scratch*
*record scratch*

*record scratch*
>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

Handgun General - /hg/ - #1382
Handgun General - /hg/ - #1382

Handgun General - /hg/ - #1382

/gq/ - Gear Queer - Tactical Gear General Thread
/gq/ - Gear Queer - Tactical Gear General Thread

/gq/ - Gear Queer - Tactical Gear General Thread

/prg/ - Precision Rifle General
/prg/ - Precision Rifle General

/prg/ - Precision Rifle General
Don't Let Your Dreams Stay Memes edition.

Post precision rifles. Discuss optics, rifles, cartridges, shooting tips, dreams etc.
>some basic resources
>previous thread

Another anon is working on a rentry update for the pastebin. Sorry to jump in front of him, but finally got my /k/ fueled 5 year dream about done at last.

You asked, they listened. Say "thank you HK :)"

/ak/ - Simón Polívar
/ak/ - Simón Polívar

/ak/ - Simón Polívar
A great hero and founder of Polivia

>image limit reached

>make pictures sing to you!

>Upotte!! Watch party date
09/28 18:00 est
but how are we going to watch it together? what service?

pfg/ - Poorfag General - Dyed UCP Edition
pfg/ - Poorfag General - Dyed UCP Edition

pfg/ - Poorfag General - Dyed UCP Edition


>haven't watched the video yet.
How they do it? Can you make my random shit just blow up?

So, /k/...
So, /k/...

So, /k/...
What do we call this buxom beauty? This fiery war maiden? This [spoiler]bombshell?[/spoiler]

>captcha : GAS20X

Knife thread
Knife thread

Knife thread
Old thread >>62459944

I'm thinking about some quality slipjoint blade just to have in case of travel to Europoors with their shitty knife laws. Or just for fun and giggles.

Inb4 I already have Lionsteel Gitano, Victorinox and Douk Douk.

The 70s Axis of Evil
The 70s Axis of Evil

The 70s Axis of Evil
Who would win?
Which one had the best armed forces and equipment during the Cold War?
Which one was the most BASED one?

self made self defense
self made self defense

self made self defense
Lets have a privately made firearm thread with an emphasis on the fcg9. Jstark was a heroic guy and is missed, Ivan has also been doing incredible work. Sorry the nyt doxxed you Ivan.

/akg/ Ak General
/akg/ Ak General

/akg/ Ak General

Coldsteel's two handed great sword
Coldsteel's two handed great sword

Coldsteel's two handed great sword
Is it actually good?

Some photos from the Museum of Military Technology
Some photos from the Museum of Military Technology

Some photos from the Museum of Military Technology
Fourth and last from my trip to Poland. This one appears to be part of the Army Museum in terms of organisational structure, but lies a two-hour-and-change walk away from it. Also while the Army Museum was in a somewhat fancy-looking building, this place clearly isn't afraid to play to "East European military museum" stereotypes, as this isn't some forgotten storage depot in the back but the main yard out front.

/msg/ - Military Surplus / Milsurp General
/msg/ - Military Surplus / Milsurp General

/msg/ - Military Surplus / Milsurp General

/Innawoods Kits/Fits Thread/
/Innawoods Kits/Fits Thread/

/Innawoods Kits/Fits Thread/
Post em' anons

Would the Air Force have really shot down those planes if their response hadn't been generally so half-assed?

M16 General /m16g/
M16 General /m16g/

M16 General /m16g/
general for m16s only. no m4 series rifles.

Could a person survive this?

/fhg/ fall hunting general
/fhg/ fall hunting general

/fhg/ fall hunting general
Discuss your current and upcoming hunts, gear, guns, tips, etc.

pic related- first dive hunt of the season

Canada General - /CanGen/
Canada General - /CanGen/

Canada General - /CanGen/
Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: Nuked

This is the most innovative (for its time) firearm ever made and it's not even close. Extremely underrated.

A career in law enforcement?
A career in law enforcement?

A career in law enforcement?
Should I join the best of the best?

/k/ humor thread
/k/ humor thread

/k/ humor thread
/k/ humor thread
Remember to be funny. Butthurt isn't funny.

Less Famous Warplanes
Less Famous Warplanes

Less Famous Warplanes
Post some underappreciated warbirds. Love me some Voodoo.

no-gunz road rage defense
no-gunz road rage defense

no-gunz road rage defense
What’s the best option to defend yourself in a road rage incident if you live in a no-gunz country?

For the older guys in here, is this true?
>aks we’re cheap but unpopular due to being associated with commies, terrorists and other anti-American shit, criminals
>no one was really into tactical stuff outside of crazies, vets a preppers (I guess they’re also crazies)
>being into AR’s, AK’s and tactical gear would have most gun owners seeing your a some crazy freak unless you were a combat vet or something
Actually sounds nice ngl

2024 /k/ube exhibit
2024 /k/ube exhibit

2024 /k/ube exhibit
Anyone make it to Canada to see the recent exhibit of the murder/k/ube? A friend of mine lives nearby and took some pictures.


Is the colt python a good zombie survival weapon?

>what kind of kommando are you?

/k/ Plays Rule the Waves 3
/k/ Plays Rule the Waves 3

/k/ Plays Rule the Waves 3
Prior threads: https://desuarchive.org/k/search/subject/Rule%20the%20Waves/

>what the fuck is this
Rule the Waves (RtW) is a naval management/strategy game where you take on the task of designing botes, managing the fleet and conducting them in battle. All well and good, but true to life things will never go according to plan. You'd love to lay down a new class of battleship, but your engineers swear up and down they've almost figured out new armor forging process that'll make them so much better if you just wait a few more weeks. They've said that for the last six months. You give the go-ahead on a Naval Intelligence plot to blow up a French warship in port, only to open the newspaper the next morning to find France signed a military alliance with Great Britain. In the war that follows, your destroyer line misunderstands the signal flags for “Screen our ships from torpedo attacks” as “Suicidally charge the enemy fleet”. Under blockade, your ungrateful people keep demanding things like food, don't they know there's a war going on? After four years of war, you're rewarded with no reparations, a half-destroyed, badly aging fleet and a peacetime budget cut.

>alright but what are we going to be doing
So far, /k/ has been guiding the progress of the Italian Navy through the late 1800s and into the 1930's, leading us forward on a quest that hopefully ends in Total Anglo/Hungarian/Frenchman/Russian Death, Italian supremacy in the Med and eternal glory for the restoration of Rome. I'll be presenting you with designs made to your specifications, choices the game throws at us regarding politics and commentary of battles. A list of suggested names for ships and aircraft is being built, so feel free to throw out your suggestions as well. Finally, keep those (You)s flowing in to keep my dopamine levels high.

.22LR gats
.22LR gats

.22LR gats
I really like the idea of the Henry survival rifle, and anyone had any luck with it? The track record is pretty spotty but some of the reviews are from awhile ago.

Also .22lr general, let's see what you got

Look how sexy she looks. You literally can't name a better looking rifle.

Best Korea Appreciation Thread
Best Korea Appreciation Thread

Best Korea Appreciation Thread
Post weapons and vehicles from best Korea.

The Korean War Week 012 - Green Light for Incheon - September 10, 1950
The Korean War Week 012 - Green Light for Incheon - September 10, 1950

The Korean War Week 012 - Green Light for Incheon - September 10, 1950
IT'S UP!: https://youtu.be/kNHrzaiPQdM

Post-SHTF Survival
Post-SHTF Survival

Post-SHTF Survival
>We're gonna structure our society around Jesus and his love and the structure and wisdom of the church to build our community post WWIII
>RVTVRN of feudalism and free mercenary companies to solve local "problems"
>Establishing tariffs and setting up checkpoints on roads
>Embracing natural selection by being on top and striving for excellence in order to usher in the first American kingdom

Are you /k/unts ready to become knights of the plains?

Historical weapons and armors II
Historical weapons and armors II

Historical weapons and armors II
Continuation of >>62483876

Old thread has reached image limit.