>In John Ourand's latest Puck newsletter, he opened the email with some details on the WBD/AEW negotiations. It's paywalled, but the key detaila are excerpted below:

>"Insiders are telling me that a formal announcement could come as soon as next week, barring any last-minute challenges. It looks like it will be a four-year deal (three years guaranteed, plus an option), and the $170 million per year number floating around wrestling message boards is apparently in the ballpark."

>"According to the parameters of the agreements, AEW matches will air on TNT, TBS, and TruTV twice a week—further evidencing Zaz’s strategy of making the latter two networks more valuable and sports-oriented in the cable bundle as the potency of TNT declines sans professional basketball rights."

>"Meanwhile, this deal marks a clear success for AEW, which launched five years ago with a threshold WBD deal. AEW is also pitching another package, primarily to broadcast channels. There’s no timetable for when AEW will start to push that deal.">>15839217
Fuck AEW.>>15839217
Proof>Significant raise that easily makes AEW profitable, but less than a billion overall and less than five years.
I'm positive this is the real deal because it'll be the worst of both worlds for the discourse and gives the grifters like Bischoff an easy place to move the goalposts to.>>15839217
AEW won.>>15839248
Many people are saying this.>>15839254
>The report at one point refers to AEW as "second-tier wrestling",>>15839217
they'll back out of the deal once they realize AEW is a dying company. i'll send pictures of the empty arenas directly to their offices in the mail if i have to.>>15839217
if TK got 170m/year, drones like the ones that have been malding on here all summer about the deal are going to fucking riotWait so no billy like PEDOwheels said? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LMFAOOOOOOOO ROFLLLLLLL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA>>15839321
I don’t think you understand. They don’t care about a deal. They just like fucking with aewtists, and you guys take the bait every single time>>15839321
I thought that it was a billy though?>>15839341
interesting copeSo let me get this straight. Smackdown on USA is getting more money for 1 show than everything combined for AEW? It just keeps getting worse for Rovert>>15839350
>The announcement of the deal "could come as soon as next week, barring any last-minute changes."

What kind of deals have last minute changes if they are done>>15839217
sounds like the 2 billy evaluation was actually right on the money after all>>15839320
Based. Fuck AEW.>No Max
>No Billy
>No Ring of Honor
>Relegated to potentially TruTV
AEWfags will still call this a win though>>15839378
I would imagine something as complicated as a large media rights deal could have a million tiny changes, but then again I'm not a fucking dimwit.>4 year deal with opt out at year 3
Holy shit WBD knows AEW will flop so they have an out clause. Keeps getting worse for Hogwheels>>15839399
>deal is done
>but there could be a million tiny changes
You are a fucking retard>>15839335
New copes already starting. Sad.Damn Raw isn't even over yet and all the piggies are squealin about AEW. Has Raw been that boring?no streaming?>>15839410
You know Raw's deal with Netflix is filled with constant out clauses for Netflix, right?>>15839410
3 years is pretty deep ngl. That would be 2027 if this thing starts next year . WBD are just hoping to get some of their back on the PPVs and not on advertising . This can’t be good for the consumer as Tony is going to price gouge the shit out them.>>15839411
It's clear your understanding of contract negotiations comes from when you said "yes" to the minimum wage offer you got at McDonald's but this is a little different than that.>>15839410
You realize Netflix has this exact thing with WWE for 50% of their deal instead of what would be 25% here right?>>15839423
No billy PEDOwheels? LMFAOOOOO. Guess the billion dollar deals are only for WWE ROFLL>>15839423
I don’t think you realize this reporting contradicts Dave’s

>You know
>You realize
he doesn't, sadly