I have finally had my eyes opened to this shill on his most recent video (click bait) on PPL

They discuss an unpublished meta-analysis where they look at volume controlled splits and find that 2x per week is optimal so PPL is apparently shit.

They talk about how spreading volume into half(?) sets where ancillary muscles are worked as a byproduct (biceps in back training is given as an example) is beneficial when overall volume is controlled.

What annoys me is two fold:

They talk about "muscle"

Quads and delts do not recover as quickly, nor is there any reason to suggest they would respond well to the same "volume" e.g. I cannot fry my delts doing only 3 sets whereas I can my quads. I don't see how this study tells us anything without factoring this in.

Secondly this wedded bullshit to the "7 days" for a split, there is no fucking way the body knows what a week is so why the fuck is it taken into consideration?

These two fucking shills are clearly now just cherry picking the science in order to migrate people only their overly convoluted science based shit which requires their paid for app to understand.

Can someone tell me why either of these programs would be bad for a beginner/intermediate?


Push: Bench, Incline DB, Flyes, Shoulder Press, Tricep Ext, Lateral Raises

Pull: Rows, Pull ups, Pull down, Incline/Preacher curls, hammer curls, shoulder shrugs

Legs: Squat, Leg curls, Calf Raises

Cycle: Push, Pull, Rest, Legs, Push, Pull, Rest, Push, Legs, Pull. (I think the order does not matter if you go with how your body feels it has recovered). Even if you train 4-5x per week you should hit everything 1.75x for pushing and pulling, and 0.75x for legs (if we have to bring the week back into it)


Push: As above with calves and quads
Pull: As above with hamstrings

Push, Pull, Rest, Push, Pull, Rest, Push

holy reddit spacing>>75139135
What the fuck is wrong with his head?>>75139135
Hmmmm who should I listen to...
>random internet faggot who writes entire blogs that I didnt read
>a guy with a PHD who is massive and gives good advice
Fuck you OP.>>75139486
some jew with a dollar sign tattooed on his arm and is 5'6>>75139486
Chasing increasingly obscure nuance does not constitute good advice.

Good lifting advice is to stick to training, work harder than last time, and take breaks if you're approaching injury. There's certainly nuance, but the nuance is so unimportant to the average trainee that it's basically guaranteed to confuse and hurt them.

And this man has a grotesque HGH/insulin belly.>>75139135
>so PPL is apparently shit.
They did not say that.
Not reading the rest you idiot.