/plg/ - powerlifting general

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

previous thread: >>75121903>>75130323
>Linking to the dots offender registry instead of a list of mass shooters sorted by victim count>>75130323
Is this high or lowbar I can't tell anymore>>75130218
Im not really a good source for exercise selection but i question how much benefit youd get from heel raised tb for quads vs involvement of the knee compared to something like an ssb or front squat
This is a really roundabout way of saying try it out next time and see if it feels like it works>>75130354
Definitely high>>75130323
howIs there anything wrong with his feet? I was told they're supposed to be straight. But it feels awkward to me.>ditched straps last week and deloaded
>today new strapless pr
feels good