Strikers are destined to get fucked

> people first start letting fighters with different styles fight. BJJ practitioner rapes people stronger and bigger than him by a factor of 2
> wrestler's proceed to take the throne when fighter get more competent in both striking and grappling
> the biggest STAR of the game, making UFC a world-wide phenomena, CONNOR FOOKING MCGREGOR gets RAPED LIKE A CHILD by a Dagestanian man
> Sean O Malley, THE NEXT CONNOR MCGRGOR, THE UFC SUPERSTAR gets steamrolled by a Georgian wrestler who's smiling as he's kissing the striker's impotent already checked out head
> all this with the UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers

When will retards realize that striking is a retard monkey style that gets you only two things: brain damage and losses against grapplers?>>75120408
lmao evenMan schizoposting certainly has become popular.
Consider though, whether something like this belongs on the fitness forums.>>75120425
That's how UFC positions him, I agree that he's not as charismatic or important for the sport>>75120430
> consider if combat sports belong on a fitness forum
Is it true that Tim Welsh actually yelled at Aljo to rush forward which he did thinking that's his trainer and not his opponent's and as a result got KOd?>>75120408
Strikers just need to time knees to the level change again.>>75120444
There are alternate sports and extreme sports boards. Is the fitness board really the best place to autisticly argue the merits of specific styles in combat sports?>>75120462
>autisticly arguing the merits of what can and cannot be posted on a fitness board>>75120457
> hey professional combat athletes, why don't you just... LE KNEE?? :)
Because people don't have the reflexes that superheroes in movies do. You can only try to guess but if you guess wrong... you get taken down.wrestlers are boring but def meta, thats why i watch muay thai and boxing instead>>75120462
Combat sports are neither alternate nor extreme. Fuck off gymcel.>>75120476
> implying wrestling is not THE most fun sport to watch aside from maybe judo
I agree that when they just lie there for 10 min it's fucking boring but all you need to do is remove the retarded "don't striking the lying person" rules and the meta will shift to 90% grappling + 10% striking over night.>>75120478
cuddling with other ass mad compensating MManlets for 2 hours several times a week is a niche sport compared to going to the gym or going for a run>>75120490
Working out is niche in general. So what do you propose, we discuss eating cheetos and jacking off instead?>>75120490
> le niche
Doesn't make it not fitness gymmy.>>75120408
> all the NPC tards bitching in the comments about LE BORING WRESTLERS again
For fuck's sake instead of bullshit Mexico history they should've had a disclaimer in the sphere
Okay then take it to the regular sports board.OP is a homosexual arab that copes with the fact that there are no good arab fighters by fantazising about faggot sex with his favorite UFC guys>>75120531
> implying you can fight without being fit>>75120594
cho cho go away sandnigger>>75120600
> cope from Malley fanatics>>75120620
due you're a sandnigger>>75120629
Nope, just a proud Russian spreading what should be obvious to begin with: grappling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > piss > striking>>75120635
Why do you fantasize about pedophilia and faggots in your opening post?>>75120642
It's called exaggeration. Read some books please.