what the fuck is going on in the CBT thread, have jannies just completely given up on /fit/?>>75115535
>Implying they do not encourage it, as per their discord organized attempt to destroy us.>>75115535
oh lmao, thanks for the heads up
I think it's like one schizo but who knows.
Par for the course for this retard containment site.Kams been doing it since 2022 and I think they gave up on banning him bc he has like 5+ passes

Same with the KEKKYPOW trannys shitting up threads. No punishment
No gids not mods>>75115535
They gave up on Kam about a year ago. Funny how they immediately delete his doxx info in the same threads though.

There’s no discord organization you fucking schizo.

It is just one guy (Kam), every now and then another one pops up called kekkypow>>75115570
anyone know the reason? Did they just show up one day and decide to start shit?>>75116881
There’s a whole bunch of lore that would take forever to explain but the super short version is this:
>obese guy named Kam starts hitting on chick in cbt threads around 2021/2022
>she gives him her email (doesn’t know he’s morbidly obese)
>she finds out he’s fat as fuck and ghosts him
>he sends her 300+ emails in response to her doing that
>he starts raging/ranting in all the cbt threads about her for years (he’s still doing it to this day)
>he then starts posting in a fit discord around early 2024
>everyone trolls him
>he does some pedo shit and gets banned
>freaks out on cbt
>people on discord find out he has an alt account in the server
>that gets banned a few months after the original ban
>this causes him to have a complete mental breakdown
>he starts losing his mind and having full blown mental breakdowns in the cbt threads