/LoA/ - Law of Assumption & Manifestation General

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]

>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed]

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> Universal Line

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>Previous Thread
>>38803222I made this thread because the other had 404'd and I wanted to ask a question:

I'm reading different Neville books, and twice now I have come across a passage where he talks about man being entombed in his skull (or Golgotha). He talks about pushing on the base of the skull until you are literally reborn into the body of a new born baby... he then talks about what you see when you look back to the skull you just emerged from, but it's a different sight each time.

What the fuck does this even mean? What is Neville talking about here? Anybody who can shed some light on this concept or suggest further reading? The passages I'm talking about come from 'He Breaks the Shell' and 'Resurrection'.>I set an intention then stimulate myself sexually while I use my imagination to eroticise my aim. For instance to manifest a new home I might imagine myself inside it: my bare feet against the floor, naked on the new sofa and something erotic happening there. When I reach orgasm the energy is released into the universe where it begins to attract the ideal place. Thanks to my technique I have manifested some incredible things, such as profesional opportunities, holidays, even love. I hardly recognise my life now. It doesn't always work but at least I enjoy the process.Reminder that all you need to do to know if this is fake or not is to test for yourself. Write out a list of ten significant life-changing things you intend to manifest before the weekend, apply the given methods, and then review your list on the weekend.

Reminder that Marvel intends on releasing several movies every year for the forseeable future and so no, you did not manifest the most recent marvel movie/trailer.

Reminder that you did not manifest your mother bringing home McDonald's. This is not a rare or significant occurance. She often suprises you with McDonald's.

Reminder that pussy is not rare.>>38827646
>I have manifested some incredible things, such as profesional opportunities, holidays, even love
Not incredible. Every one of your ancestors had a job and access to pussy>>38827646
Literally demonic. Lord Jesus please send workers to your fields amenDay 738 going to bed in the end of having won the lottery>>38827664
>Reminder that pussy is not rare.
However, pussy with specific characteristics can be. Men get laid all the time, but not all men do so with a girl who looks just like prime Monica Belluci. Obviously, you'll run into problems when it comes to proving this kind of thing on an egyptian hieroglyphic-painting board, so don't feel like you *have* to prove anything to this general.I successfully managed to increase height by a small amount - I tried once before when I was younger but I was insecure as shit so loa never gave me any results. Now I have more of a „fine with it, fine without it” approach to things as well as not obsessing over techniques and simply trusting the process. I just imagined my eye level being a bit higher, not even in a particular scene - just random moments and sure enough, I woke up 1-2cm taller. Definitely not a regular fluctuation as I don’t recall a certain object in the house ever being at my eye level before and I had to set my chair up a little higher for a more comfortable sitting position. I also haven’t grown in years and growth plates were closed last I checked.

A big struggle for me when manifesting has been intrusive/doubtful thoughts so I also started to consciously dismiss those with a phrase like “regardless of thoughts like this, I will achieve xyz” and that has made the process less stressful. I think you just need whatever works for you, as simple or complicated it may be - as long as you actually believe it rather than going through the motions. I personally also practice SR, do cold showers and Wim Hof breathing before bed and feeling the best I have in years, huge recommend and WAGMI.>>38827646
Who are you quoting?
Incel how can sex be demonic retarded christcuck.
Based i been trying to get taller and increase my dick size.
I didn't do the ladder experiment or any of those i just started doing sats cause i fully believe in LoA>>38827998
Who are you quoting?
Venus O'Hara>>No.38818928
>I'd love to hear thoughts from either of you or any anons about it.
It's more in line with the silva mind control system where instead of belief or intention to manifest yiu use you're mind as a constructive medium to alter your reality. This is done through psychic powers and telepathy.

It's a very good book because it's exercise after exercise where you build in the belief that pychic mind power is all you need to get things in life.

The really cool exercise is where he makes you build a room inside your mind with a sunroof that beams down light into 2 chairs. You use the mind room to summon peoples spirits or other entities to sit on the chair. Yiu sit on the opposite chair and make them either change for you or gather information.

It's like a mental holodeck from star trek.

All the exercises are fun and he makes you go into SATS before doing them. Except he doesn't call it SATS and it's all straight forward in the book.

For some odd reason retards here think SATS is some sort of mystical technique that they're fucking up.

When you get to cloud busting you'll just chop up clouds with your finger. Some anon mentioned that clouds disperse on there own but you be able to slice em up like pizza.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.>>38818928
Why do I always mess up linking old threads. KekI'm doing UL session for 1 desire and SATS for 2nd desire. I'm more able to detach this way and have a higher success rate. Anyone doing something similar like this, multiple techniques?>>38828131
No. I tried. UL But. Sats works better for me ul gives me nothing nada>>38827581
Neville beleives the Bible is essentially a psycho drama for awakening consciousness. Those books are full of Bible quotes followed by Neville explaining how it's all code for awakening from your mind.

When it comes to the Bible Neville was a grade A retard. He wasn't a biblical scholor so you can skip whenever he brings it up.

If you want more info look up. Neville Goddard The Bible – Your Biography and you'll get his concept of what the Bible is.