They're summoning demons with electronics, sigils behind screens

Is there truth to the notion, that they could be hiding sigils behind modern screens, and we don't see them, but when we're viewing content on these modern screens, we're charging it them?

Wasn't it some native indians of north america or somewhere else, that said that even film photography, "captures the soul" of a person, and that's why they didn't like to be photographed? Could it be that these modern TFT screens, because of how vastly different it's from tube tech monitors (which was just one big massive tube, tube size of a TV/monitor size), could it be they changed the tech from those large tube to TFT not because of weight savings, and not even because of cost (they will use things as red herring, even if there's truth to savings, remember that), but ultimately because the real benefit of this modern smartphone and flat screen tech, is that it can not only charge sigils, but it may also open portal to other dimension, and little bit of our soul is constantly poured to this other dimension? So it's a portal we don't see that's opened with chaos sigil magick, sigils we don't physically see, because unlike old tech which showed what the device it was connected to required it to show (if you attached crt monitor to a old game console , it would only show what the game console was outputting), the new TFT and flat monitors don't have this limitation, they can show "more" information than what it is being inputted, I'd go as far as say there could be ways for spirit world to have control what sort of invisible crystal matrix charging is happening to naked eye, behind the screen. This is some peak schizo shit I know, but if I can imagine it to be possible, knowing how modern intel agencies work, it probably is happening. That's why there were some youtubers or tiktokkers probably claiming they have caught it on camera or whatever, because knew it might be possible even if they faked the footage.

Good post>>38804776
bump, I don't know how more people aren't on this thread. EVERY INTERESTING THREAD GETS 404D OR ARCHIVED.

some entire cities look like they used to circuit boards also I don't know if you know anything about this or if you have seen anything about it but I find it Hella interesting. let me know if you know anything about this>>38804808
>some entire cities look like they used to circuit boards
I guess it's not directly related but there's some theory that could tie to this book that the devil summoner series was based on was about the idea that the circuitry, transistor layouts, and programming were a way to interface with demons
>it is a very real thing.>>38804839
as we traverse streets, we are like electrons charging up the city's spirit giving it influence