Chaos Magic Part 2

Link to last thread: >>38761001

You either die a Chaos Magician or live long enough to become a destitute schizo due to all the timelines you left through Sigil crafting

Important Links from last thread:

Grant Morrison explaining sigil magic:

full lecture remastered:

Learning to create your own sigils for your own custom desires (book) (also just about everything you need to know about sigil magic):

Sigil Article posted by an Anon:

Introduction to Chaos Magic Video:

Get to crafting those Sigils for a new GF and performing those Theurgic Rituals to house the energy of an old forest god boysTutorial posted by OP in last thread as well:

>find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed
>get a piece of paper and a pen
>write your intention in the present tense or past like "Jane Doe is in love with me". In older texts you'll also find intentions written as a clear wish like "This my wish to acquire the strength of a tiger by October 2024" or something like that.
>remove all vowels and repeated letters leaving only consonants
>you can also pick only the first letter of each word if your intention is too long or if you wanna simplify it
>use the remaining letters to create a unique symbol. if it feels "magical" it's good. there are no rules though.
>draw the symbol while focusing on your intention visualize it happening now
>charge the sigil through masturbation. bring yourself to the point of orgasm focusing on the symbol. There are OTHER METHODS, LIKE HOLDING YOUR BREATH ALMOST TO THE POINT OF PASSING OUT, AND THEN LOOKING AT THE SIGIL. Needless to say, those other methods are dangerous. But the other methods have advantages too. If you think orgasming is "degenerate", read the book provided earlier and learn the other methods, but be advised, they can be dangerous.
>release your energy into the sigil during climax, (you can cum on your sigil basically)
>you can "banish" the ritual after that any way you want, like laughing cartoonishily for a brief second. this is not necessary, you can just dispose of your sigil. (banishing aka going back to your mundane mindset and leaving magic behind)
>throw the sigil in the trash or destroy it or burn it so you can forget it
>move on with your day
important aspects:
>put a lot of energy and faith during the drawing and "charging"
>forgetting the sigil and then moving on with your life is essential.