so what's the deal with this movie? what was in the removed footage? did they actually kill stanley for it?>>38803455
It was his call out of all the fucked shit the elites were doing. Cycles of not just sexual depravity but drug/human trafficking, corruption, murder, and so much more. This was just the tip, a starter if you will that one can use to go deeper. Remember Johnny Gosch.There's no missing footage. Stanley commited ritual suicide after completing his magnum opus. A true star, a true king among kings.>>38803501
Oy vey>>38803516
Go back to /pol/. Prove there is missing footage. You know nothing of what this movie really reveals.>>38803535
And this isn't even all of it, it just proves the film is whole and not chopped up. Put up, or shut up.>>38803501
There's 27 minutes of footage that was removed at the last minute without kubrick's consent you fucking kike.>>38803455
You know when murderers mock and play with their victims before killing them? thats the purpose of these films. Dont listen to people saying things about it being to "reduce karma"; demons run on pure unadultarated malice.

Its a murdered coming towards you and handing you a knife; "go, take it, you wont do anything anyways because you are petrified in fear, scream for help, nobody will listen (believe) you, go go " etc.I have no way to prove it, or even any reason to believe it, but that 27 minutes was almost certainly a very clear implication to Hollywood, child-fucking, and possibly eating.>>38803455
Totally lame and retarded movie. "Magnus opus" you have to be kidding. Whatever he wanted to do with that pile of crap it failed. It was produced to fail, having Tom Cruise in the project was a safety measure to keep the project under control. It was a piece of shit of a movie. Kubrick wasn't in control of the production. He was too old and weak to react against it.>>38803796
that's what i've always suspected too

it's at the very least a good movie, you're retarded bro>>38803455
Its just a feature lenght joke about cruise being a fudgepacker
I mean this unironically. I just watch him as completely clueless in any scene hes with a woman. Fucking piece of shit movie they marketed this shit to me as a story of infidelity and sex and stuff(and you fucks tricked me into believeing the secret society cult shit) and when i finally watched it, i just saw cruises character as either a fag or a virgin. Seriously, he acts as completely clueless in a world where everyone thinks, talks, and acts for sex, and hes this innocent little guy who doesnt even get it. When he tries getting sexy time with that whore, it felt so uncomfortable like
Just why you guys praise this shit so much?
Is it because kidmans father was an irl pedophile who anherod because they were gonna out him? Cause the other important character is cruises irl scientology handler?
What makes this boring piece of ass le oh so provocative... fucking. Even lolita was worse thatn this
Fucking hate lolita
Fuck kubrick for making that piece of shit>>38803839
>it's at the very least a good movie, you're retarded bro
PFFFF... "Good movie", dude, just fucking say it, IT WAS A BAD MOVIE.
> At the very least it wasn't a good movie.
There I fixed that for you. Praising that garbage, leave that to normies. You don't need to pretend that a bad movie isn't a bad movie here.
Don't you find it weird? How the mainstream media promoted that movie, even when it was into production phase? Mainstream media, wanted to give you an official narrative about what "secret society" was doing "behind doors". Some lame sex swinger party, that's it. That's all. Case closed.
The movie was so bad hat not even normies liked it.>>38803455
>did they actually kill stanley for it?
No. If the movie was anything serious it would never been airedone of his lackeys was outside the conference room when he was inside with his handlers showing them the screening. he claims he heard them screaming at kubrick and threatening him. seems about 7-10 minutes it was meant to be a child sacrifice during the singing in a circle and the red priest was meant to do itEWS blatantly references the mind control programming used by cults and the gov. Rainbow shop: "Over the rainbow", dissociated from the extreme torture they use for trauma-based mind control programming. Her name is 'Alice', referring to Alice in Wonderland (MKULTRA/MONARCH). Child rape and torture are part of the mind control/ritual abuse rings the 'elites' run.>>38803455
The original title was Just Eyes Wide Shut.>>38803455
I love bloodborne>>38803608
Wild claim from the internet, retard. My link proves the film has all its scenes. They wouldve had to masterfully edit all 33 scenes.>>38803991
>Mainstream media, wanted to give you an official narrative about what "secret society" was doing "behind doors". Some lame sex swinger party, that's it. That's all. Case closed.
it seems your eyes are still wide shut. watch the movie again except this time open your eyes.>>38804798
That movie is not what you think it is. It was a vehicle for the Cruise-Kidman star couple, some disgusting jewish bosses wanted to see Nicole doing a softporn film and they got what they wanted. As always. They can do anything they want. An humiliation ritual, for both. A pathetic display of power and submission. The movie is trash.

They want the movie to be something that it is not. And they hate people who shits on that piece of garbage, because they want to save the movie in their minds, they want to think that the movie can be justified or "saved" if you give it the "right" reading or viewing angle, or whatever mental gymnastic they come up with to explain "why the movie is so great". They can't realize, that they fell for the psyop, that's the catch, the movie is looking at them, not them looking at the movie. The viewer is the catch. They think the movie is "oh so beautiful" to dismiss it as the steamy piece of shit it really is. Oh no, the movie must be saved, it has to fulfill its destiny, it has to become what it was meant to be in the mind of Kubrick's "genius creative vision". That's the successful final product accomplished by the movie, a cult follower of a scam, a lie, that he wants to believe to be real or "great".>>38803455
Yeah they killed Stanley for it no doubt>>38806649
your eyes are still wide shut even though i used plain english. perhaps the problem was that i misjudged your ability to infer information due to how you were inculcated as a child. watch the movie again except this time abre los ojos.>>38803802
If this isn't b8 there are numerous interviews where those who starred in the movie talked about how Kubrick very methodically directed the movie up to the point that he would put the actors in emotionally compromising situations and have them visualize certain scenes to ensure an authentic performance. Everything from the literal to the subliminal of the cinematography was very methodologically arranged, Kubrick actually arranged the cinematography to resemble the initiations of the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite masonry. I can't name off the top of my head anyone who shares these opinion that you portray to be general consensus so did you have a bad day or something? Spouting off all this nonsensical slander can only come from a place of implicit bias.>>38807035
>Kubrick actually arranged the cinematography to resemble the initiations of the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite masonry
I wanma read that article again. Do you have the link to that blog?>>38803455
its based on Traumnovelle, changed the main character from a jew to a fudgepacker>>38807075
Here you go fellow truth seeker.