Luis Elizondo

What does /x/ think of this guy? It took me a few interviews to realize he says a whole lot without actually saying much at all.>>38787938
Plant/controlled opposition>>38787957
Who do you think is trustworthy?theres probably bits of truth in his shitty book, but overall hes likely a grifter.. Id stick to people like david grusch considering he hasnt tried to make a dime or tried to get fame for the ufo shit>>38787977
most of the UFO community is controlled. they want people to talk about aliens and not technology. any conversation that starts to look at technology is then steered back to aliens. if you want to find trustworthy folks, look for people ignoring the aliens and talking about engineering space/time/gravity.>>38787977
Only 4chan.

Anyone that attaches their public persona to this is a fool or a charlatan.>>38787989
the spiritual ayylien and the nuts and bolts part of these crafts are the two side of the same coin>>38787938
He's really good at talking and that makes me suspicious. It almost seems like he's more interested in getting people to like him than actually saying things of tangible value.>>38787984
Same with David Fravor.these guys give off deadbeat dad vibes where as instead of promising to call and visit they promise to show you bits and piece of alien stuff but it never amounts to anything substantial ever>>38787977
He didn't deliver anything. Three grainy potato videos, then he hides behind an NDA. Coward and/or liar.>>38787938
He's "Blue Beam at home"

Attempted control of the narrative>>38787984

Grusch is definitely more trust worthy IMO. He barely ever makes an appearance and seems to just want to get to the truth but from what I've seen Elizondo is not one to steer it back to aliens. He doesn't claim to know what the NHI are.

Elizondo seems far more concerned with the national security aspect of it.>>38787938
a person who recently came out because God needed him to. the lies needed to end and Luis did so in the most tactful way possible. he didn't even use words like non-human intelligence or aliens, he was of the staunch belief that these were a product of a secret program from Russia or something.

good guy. wish things would take off like I thought they would when I dreamt of whistleblowers coming out as a kid, maybe Grusch will carry the torch and get things to blow up by getting congress to fucking listen.

the government is covering things up from congress. can you imagine what every believer out there thinks hearing that the government is covering things up from the government? I quake, others quiver.can anyone give me a QRD on the "To the Stars Academy" bullshit?