So, y’all know how various people would randomly shittalk Froot because, “She’s a cheating whore, lawl”?

She just posted a massive Google doc, with receipts. (screencaps from FB messages with her ex)
>pic related

TLDR: He was a stereotypical abusive faggot who deserved to get NTR-ed.

SMALL snippet, first example.

>19 year old girlfriend coming to visit him
>She starts messaging him that she got molested by a guy at the bus station
>Molester has chased her to the women’s bathroom
>Replies back with :<
>Months later say, “I went ABOVE AND BEYOND being supportive when you had a hard time.”

So yeah, glad the subject is closed and various JT’s can fuck off this soapbox already.>>85519441
I still hate her because she's an annoying tumblrina bitch but it is sad to read through these messages. Dude ruined a young girl and got nothing to show for it.>>85519441
>who deserved to get NTR-ed.
she could just have ended the realtionship>>85519441
Honestly if I'm a doxxsagi/ant fan I'm killing myself right now. Some of that shit was heinous. And it just kept going.>>85519441
is this the guy who stole money from trannies? if so based.>>85519704
He's a mentally ill military faggot. He probably would have killed her.>>85519441
Also, “JT” = Jack Thompson.

Know how “Stan” means dickriding, obsessed fans, coming from that one Eminem song?

I think making the name Jack Thompson (JT, Jack, whatever) live in infamy would be VERY satisfying, save that a JT is “A Toxic, loudmouth faggot who goes “counter-culture” or says “Popular thing is bad because REEE—“ for money, rep, Woke-Points, or attention and generally acts like a complete retard.”

If any of you don’t know who Jack Thompson was, he was the face and voice of the STUPIDEST and LOUDEST members of the “Videogames cause violence” crowd way back when. His retardation is legendary.
>He submitted gay porn as legal evidence in a court case for why the opposing lawyer was “immoral”
>Thus making that gay porn public record and accessible to anyone of any age>>85519441
so not only she's a cheating whore, she's also a retard who can't detect abusive psychopaths, got it>>85519804
Women always have excuses>>85519441
Jesus, shut the fuck up you pathetic cucked simp. I don’t care about some stupid whore that’s so fucking dumb she has to complain online about her poor choice in partners.So everyone it's going to believe to a bunch of blurred screenshots showing a conversation that could be by anyone.

Regardless if they're real or just some crafted BS.

>Doesn't take away the fact she's an unsufferable bitch with big complex lol

idgaf she still and going to remain a POS for many reasons so she can suck it but that would be blissful thinking for her for poor old danielle.
PS: VShojo's idols and talent managers can go fuck themselves bunch of POS bastards>>85519441
>cheats on husband with an abusive asshole
>gets abused
Oh look, a perfect example thanks for volunteering>>85519441
You dramafags are obsessed with this shit>>85519441
well, glad she's vindicated. She always seemed cute back as BSapricot but all that abusive ex nonsense kept eating at the back of my mind and made me keep my distance, even if I thought it was farfetched. No real room to speculate anymore, thank goodness.>froot antis are from the third world where abusing women is not only allowed but encouraged
It was a lost cause. Sorry Froot.>>85519441
>Months later say, “I went ABOVE AND BEYOND being supportive when you had a hard time.”
Serious question: Do you really think that all of their interaction was through text messages?>>85520045
do you think none of us wish she didn't cheat on her husband with an obviously abusive guy>>85520045
These people would defend killing babies if it means they get to anti some literal who vtuber>>85519441
>married someone obviously abusive
>Im supposed to feel bad
So this is the official damage control narrative. Got it. Hail Ant.>>85519981
Vshoujofags actually believe this vindicated her instead of proving military dude right