gta or enreco, which has been more kino?>>85505498
It’s been two days.>>85505498
enreco is the Kino-ist Kino to ever Kino in the history of vtubing>>85505498
Olive eyed bitch>>85505498
Enreco is the most kino week EN had ever been but GTA blows it out of the water in 2 days alone. That alone tells you everything you need to know about the difference between JP and EN's ability to entertain. ID fucking sucks without kaela or kobo>>85506366
>it's Japan therefor better

GTA was good but not something wildly special>>85506366
I disagree. It's funny but not as kino as ENReco>>85505498
It's all garbage.>>85509620
True, I kinda find gtarp as tedious to watch.>>85509681
Go back to contemplating suicide nijiniggerenreco is forced, GTA is organic and kino>>85505498
vtubers are a cancer our duty is to destroy them.>>85506062
Exactly.Why would a chumbud care?>>85505498

Why are people trying to compare when one event has had its first chapter over long enough for it to get memed to death and have all the major threads clipped & compiled while the other one isn't even on its third day?>>85505498
EOP will say enreco
smart people will say GTA>>85517180
GTA has already had as many complete start to finish storylines as ENreco had in its whole run.>>85505498