How do you respond without sounding mad?ok nigga *votekicks youre head off*Honestly wouldnt bother playing games that discourages variety and creativity>>689272759
There is a fine line between each of these people being obnoxious.>>689272759
If a game has a meta for builds it's a bad game. This is a fact.>>689272759
This is me in souls games. Imagine playing team based cuck shit, lmao>>689272759
>play decently well
>buy stupid items for fun
No one seems to notice when i lose. Fuck da meta>>689273321
There is no such thing as a game that has a builds system that does not have a meta. If you give options there will ultimately be a "best".There's no such thing as a game without a "meta"
If it exists, there's a Most Effective Tactic Available.
Be it single player, multiplayer, competitive or not.
Games without a "Meta" do NOT exist.>>689272759
"You are absolutely right."
META-Faggots ruin reality:
>hey guys! i found out that if you use the fishing rod on the wizard you can juggle enemies by alternating between its pull and your pushback spell.
>it doesnt deal damage on its own, but when combined with another ranged attacker it can-
>yes i know its not the meta, but this can challenge it because the current meta requires players to stay grounded.
>what do you mean its overpowered? the current meta literally revolves around one shotting people
>oh so now you're kicking me for playing against the meta. great, yeah. fuck you g- [player sneaky_wizard was successfully kicked]
>balance patch
>wizard can no longer equip the fishing rod
>cooldown of wizard's pushback spell increased.
>[one shot ability the meta revolves around] no longer needs the player to be grounded.
>nerfed the gremlin class for the 450th time.