Sally Acorn was nearly in a Sonic Game

There was almost a Sonic SATAM game where Sonic and Sally would have been playable. It would incorporate plots from the shows, diverse gameplay like stealth, speed scenes, and fighting The only issue is that sega of japan sabotaged it because they hated Sally despite Sally being one of the most popular Sonic characters of all time. We have missed so much on adapting the show even into a spinoff game, or it's own seperate movie. So why hasn't Sega brought back Sally? She had the characterization and brought out Sonic in ways that appealed the fandom to around the world.>>689209510
you escaped containment>>689209510
Interesting, leaned heavy into a traditional platformer. Looks kind of jank though.
cry more.>>689209510
Gaijin fanfictionTROO FRAAAAAAARRRRRRR>>689210086
Sally is canon as much Sonic is canon you faggot. She is the only one who made sense to love him>>689209510
too bad sega is full of japs so we won’t see anything good>>689209510
Surprised we never got a fangame with this concept.>>689210319
official ≠ canon