>game uses AI-generated content>>689086951
dont like it dont play it, and dont review it as well, thank you.>>689086951
What game?

Steam banned most of those already.i'll be staying on the good side of skynet, thank you. enjoy being turned into a battery or whatever.I hope devs just stop mentioning it for PR so people can shut up about a tool use.>>689086951
Based. If they didn't pay for it, neither will I.99% of artists have no more creativity than AI. They both do the exact same thing. They just look at other people's art and copy what they like. I don't give a fuck when a game has AI generated content.>>689086951
I don't care if it does or doesn't.
>bbbut muh artists and devs
meh. They hate gamers anyway.>/v/ wants SOUL not SLOP
>also supports AI
Looking forward to /v/ in 20 years crying about AI being the point at which everything went wrong, and blaming the liberals for it.>>689087364
imagine supporting a game that was created with the use of any computer