
He killed millions>>689045586
PICMIXWhy is Richter so FUCKING FAST in PoR's Richter mode? Like holy shit man you're a vampire hunter not an Olympic sprinter.I'm playing a hack of harmony of dissonance that expands maxim mode, it's pretty cool so far
idk if I was him I'd probably get addicted to crack after being mind controlled too>>689047830
He's pissed over all the pies to the face and everybody's going to pay.>>689045586
I always like the part in Simon's Quest where he prays at Dracula's grave. I prefer GoS's super kind and empathetic take on Simon to the "Transylvania's Doomguy" that so many want him to be.>>689047830
He must make up for cursing the bloodline or he won't get into the Belmont VIP lounge in heaven.