Burgerpunk- A Gorgeworld session on 4chan

Your Excellency Edition



Embrace the fat with this wgttrpg

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/Cejm5A3D1u8?feature=shared

Here’s the map.

Gorgeworld full rules

Gorgeworld quick rules

Character sheet

SBH - https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68607214/#68609730
Yona Yostar - https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68607214/#68607358

It got much better.

>walks up to Yostar with a doggy bowl labelled “Tubby”
“You’re going to eat from this bowl off the floor until I say otherwise (excuse for ass shots)”

OOC: according to Yona’s character sheet, she has 4 girth pips but only one pip on her body. She gained 2 girth pips from the most recent two sessions and has 2 fullness points. Let’s figure this out.>>69198967
Good morning, 4chan, time to settle this weight gain once and for>>69198967
>Yona is still laid against the side of the seat of her booth, dejectedly clutching at her pained, bloated stomach.
"...it looks tiny- Agh!"
>SBH plunks the bowl atop Yona's head, covering her vision. The dino continues to wade in self-pity, leaving it on as she recuperates near the corner of the room.

OOC: Until DM is back to explain I'm assuming I just got the fullness points because that's the part of the book I understand that I'm doing right. Besides that, I want to earn these girth pips the way PhealGud intended, the hard way! Makes it more satisfying when I get there that way I think. I'm feeling under the weather right now and I should still be sleeping desu so bear with me here, I might need more time before I can be more active in the thread.>>69199654
“It fits your cranium perfectly. Try not to wallow so much, we have a busy day ahead of us.”

I’m under the impression you DID earn it the hard way, but we should let the DM settle this. It might be a problem if you get too fat too quick too. Rest well, you only need to bump the thread every 2 hours or so. Thank you for coming.>>69199654
How high do you want your girth to be?>>69200289
Should there even be a limit?>>69200289
Is this like an endgame question, how long I want the campaign to last? If so I haven't thought about it much.>>69201380
Not really. Getting your girth up is more of a side quest than anything. The campaign goes for as long as we can make it.>>69201638
No, that minimizes it. Girth pips are more like collectibles the way we’re trying to get them on you.>>69201758
In fact something about the game we’re playing reminds me of pikmin 1 where we have a limited time to acquire parts of the empire with the final boss holding the most important piece, control of the empire itself.>>69201638
Well if the question is about girth in general then I have two minds about it. Of course I love room filling immobile blobs like they have extra rules for in the book but that does conflict with how I've been building the character for combat, making my character agility focused and all. It's a loooong time probably before the default girth bar will be filled though so by that time I think it could be pretty likely we'd be ready to try the next setting, which for now I'd still like to do once we're done in this campaign.>>69202268
Next setting? I was thinking our characters would end their stories in this campaign. I wouldn’t mind making new ones either.>>69202324
I didn't mean the same characters, obviously! I already have some ideas for a character I might like to play for the medieval setting, and for the future setting there's a lot of unique races so I'd pick from one of those (probably the blimp robots if I had to guess but I like the roundents too)>>69202383
Thanks for clarifying. We’re seeing room-filling blobs in the campaign already too. With the cows and this new spider goth. I’d love to see how the DM describes them through pictures and research reports.

I’m thinking of turning Yona into an immobile blob after a possible bad end from the final choice in the campaign. We need to figure out SBP’s place in this as well.>>69202383
Are you feeling better?>>69202502
Bro you can't just plan the whole campaign out lmao that's the DM's job. Let my man cook! Conversely, I could stand to try integrating my backstory more into the campaign at some point. Like we should go to the circus from Yona's backstory at some point too maybe. But in terms of what I think would help the campaign in the immediate sense, I think this is around the time in an rpg story where a new party member would show up. As funny as the campaign has been it would be nice to get another more low key personality into the party. As it stands there isn't much opportunity to get personal and vulnerable when the party is in constant danger of breaking into a cat fight.

Normally you ask me questions to keep the thread bumped. For once I want to ask you a question. Have you put any thought yourself into what kind of character you'd play in a medieval or space campaign? I'm curious.

Yeah idk what was up with me. Sometimes mornings are like that I guess.>>69203986
Okay, I might have overstepped in a few places. I’ll let him cook. As for personality, I’m getting SBH to warm up to Yona because of her weight gain and no-nonsense attitude. Also, I might be making SBH’s background too dark.

My mind instantly goes to obesity-related humor jester and pig space cop with a rookie dating her obscenely obese daughter respectively. Was going to use the latter for this campaign if we failed but forget that.

I hate waking up in the morning, I feel you.>>69204115
Yeah I don't think that one's gonna work for this campaign anymore lol. I love the jester idea though, that's a great concept. Keep that in the back pocket. https://youtu.be/3cwGV2fVVUM?si=Bg-ntM2xMJfLssGA>>69204320
I will like I did with the cop. Ngl, I was half-expecting SBH to get arrested forcing you to switch alliances so that’s how I came up with the pig cop character. I still can’t believe we got out of that relatively unscathed.>>69204429
My fucking around came in clutch. It's like you said before, Yona is smarter than she seems! She's just a little unperceptive.>>69204589
Well in a combat sense maybe unperceptive isn't the right word... socially unperceptive? I don't know how to put it into words but I understand it when I'm thinking about what I should make Yona do>>69204589
I love how she compliments SBH, who is extremely perceptive to the point of almost being able to read body language but greatly overestimates the severity of everything. She would’ve never even touched the cop car.>>69204711
She’s blunt and doesn’t need deception to get what she wants like spoiled princess SBH>>69204755
That's a good way of putting it I think. It's interesting, I gave Yona 2 beauty for her performer's background would require both grace and acting, so I think she's capable herself of putting on airs like SBH, she's just too rough and tumble to want to play social games with people.>>69205140
Exactly. Social games is the thing SBH knows best. Speaking of.

(I should be disgusted over that frog pig getting even bigger. But…the way she eats on my command and the willingness to ingest more to appease me. What is this excitement I’m feeling? I have to- I WANT TO SEE MORE!)

>sees her sulking in the corner
“Tubby, if you won’t refer to me as “your excellency” then you must eat all your food from that bowl. But I’ll be gracious to you, you may eat anything my yes man can get his hands on. Consider it a perk for working under me. I believe I’ve yet to ask you about your favorite foods.”>>69205339
>Yona flicks her head back, letting the lower half of her eyes peek out from the tilted bowl.
"Everywhere we've gone is a food place. I don't want it if that guy touches it. I can eat on my own just fine."
>"I believe I’ve yet to ask you about your favorite foods.”
(If I tell her it's burgers then I'll be stuck eating her vegan slime...)
"You know, a fatass like me, I like too many things to have a favorite! Food's food as long as it tastes good enough!"

OOC: And I was just talking about how Yona was less prone to social games. I also like the detail with SBH assuming any action that pleases her must be done specifically because of that. Even though she can pick up on social cues, she sees them in a very warped way, colored by her own thoughts. Yona would have been happy to chug the milkshakes anyways, of course, but the thought of yes man trying the milkshakes was unacceptable. She hates the guy, so Yona says he does not deserve the milkshakes!>>69205799
OOC: poor yesman. He just wants to get promoted.

>"You know, a fatass like me, I like too many things to have a favorite! Food's food as long as it tastes good enough!"
(How dare she try to bullshit me? Oh well, I’ll CREATE a favorite food for you then. Our regular silk burgers are scientifically engineered to be addictive.)

“Not even for one of our signature silk burgers. They’re not made of silk, you redneck, that’s just to describe the texture and quality of our burgers. These patties are the greatest tasting things to ever be put between two fluffy buns, and coated in onion rings, ketchup, mustard, and your choice of extra proteins, cheeses, and vegetables. I could have a burger here right now, but if you don’t want any, you can starve over there as you sulk. They cost more than the competitors for a reason.”>>69206456
>Yona stares blankly at SBH as she describes the silk burgers in an unmistakably advertising tone. It's so practiced it makes Yona question if SBH has even tried her own signature brand.
"...I mean, it was okay and all, but it's just not a real burger. I don't know what else to tell you."
>Yona is far from cooperative as usual, but her mood seems to have stabilized at least.>>69205799
OOC: The way SBH thinks about it, no one can resist her Silk Burgers and the only reason Yona’s not head-over-heels for them is because she hasn’t tried them because she might be an ignorant hick that believes that silk burgers are made of literal silk. That’s not the case at all, I’m trying to show you SBH can’t read minds and I’m not trying to cheat by bypassing the internal monologues. Silk is used to help design the burgers, but everything else is FDA approved.>>69206718
Now that you have explained this I am definitely going to keep this gag running, we've got the seeds of something great here.>>69206683
(She’s actually tried them? No, that can’t be. She should be DROOLING at this chance!) “How do you know whether or not it’s a real burger? We list the ingredients plainly on our menus.”>>69206765
>SBH is feeling a different emotion after hearing Yona describe her burgers as “just ok”
>like it’s being split in two
>this wasn’t the first time she felt betrayed, but…
(She’s lying. She MUST be!)
>deluding herself yet again.>>69206781
"Well, you can't really call it a veggie burger if there's a patty, but the patty is made of, uh... was it like mushrooms or tofu or something? So it's not a normal burger either... I don't know."
>Yona contemplates the nature of food with unquestionably the most concentrated thought that SBH has seen from her.
"Have you ever thought of making Asian food with your tofu instead of vegan stuff? Just a suggestion.">>69206902
“What do you mean? Silk Burger’s burgers are made with regular meat…are they not?”
(Could it be? Father? Is that why we’ve been tanking?)
>"Have you ever thought of making Asian food with your tofu instead of vegan stuff? Just a suggestion."
“Asian cuisine is a market I’ve wanted to tap into since forever BUT THAT THICKHEADED CUNT I CALL MY FATHER…you have me perplexed, Yona, why don’t we try a burger together to see what’s going on with my product. This … is the first time I’ve felt (fear) uncertainties over my brand.”

OOC: making vegan silk burgers my character’s favorite food was supposed to be a gag. Silk Burgers should sell regular meat burgers, but Yona’s general reaction is leaving SBH scared and confused>>69207098
OOC: Oops, looks like I accidentally changed the nature of silk burger. My bad

"You've really never tried them? How do you know if they taste good?"
(Sometimes I think she's so predictable, but you can't ever predict with all that crazy.)>>69207228
“If I tried the real deal, I’d be a fat fuck like the unwashed masses we’re specifically appealing to. I only eat the vegan burgers to get an approximation of the taste without getting addicted. Have YOU tried the vegan burger by mistake? I wouldn’t be surprised if someone made a mistake somewhere. Allow me to order the real thing so we can make sure MY FATHER…is being faithful to his father’s recipes.”>>69207370
"...It's not a vegan brand? Why didn't you say that before?">>69207422
(Under my father, it might as well be)
“The best Silk Burgers were served in my grandfather’s time. We only serve vegan options for my taste approximations and to get environmental protection agencies off our ass. You’d be surprised how much land needs to be destroyed for the alternative. STOOGIE, ORDER US A SILK BURGER STAT!”

OOC: I need to take a nap, see you soon>>69207570
OOC: I'll keep the thread bumped in the meantime. And as long as we don't make a gorge roll I think it would be fine to do this on our own. I can do the next post and write for yes man or you can keep on going if you want.>>69207743
No, give the DM a chance to read all this. Summarize it if you must. See you soon. SBH is having flashbacks about her grandfather but looks like she’s staring at nothing like a psycho.