ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!
Previous thread: >>33471474A question for all the girls: where are you going to meet men these days? None of the old sites seem to have women anymore, just spammers and pic sellers.ladies, what boards do you browse?>>33545662 Usually r9k, soc, random and...that's about it. More so r9k recently, since soc is hyper sexual (not that r9k isn't hyper sexual in it's own ways)>>33545662 a, ck, co, fit ( yes, i know, but it's the funniest board ever i swear) and a couple of specific theads on soc, i spend more time hiding asshole pics than anything here, but i have a bit of affection for the atoga thread here>>33545918 Fit is pretty cool sometimes But i didnt browse it much recently