
Wagies at work edition>>78850568
I wfh so I can shitpost and get paid an alright salary>>78850577
Same lad. 3.7k per month paid into the account. The lads here can fight each other over the tax, like crumbs for the ducks.BPD women are
[ ] worthless
[ ] good for a quick shag
[ ] good project GFs
[x] perfect as they are

DiscussI'm a parasitei am going to start a 'how to be sexy to ladies' seminar for lonely men. i will use terminology like 'programming' and 'stats' and i think that will increase my chances of turning a profit.NEETchads get to sleep in while i suffer at work>>78850618
They're perfect as they are. Although they're not for me, but they might be for you.the wagie is still rolling away

ln the other side of the beach two bints are filming tiktok takes posing in front of the sea

Get your larp right lad. 3.7k net means you're earning around 60k. You're meant to claim you earn 70k around these parts.>>78850618
The number of times this fucking disorder comes up on /r9k/... Sometimes I wonder if there's just one woman deliberately going around and fucking every one of us, one by one>>78850598
yeah we all do this a bit, like your texting example is a classic BPD one BUT there are social situations where similar stuff is pretty normal/good. like the teasing aspect of flirting, or even actually having sex. sometimes the chase is better than the catch, etc.
but when you map that to someone threatening to hurt themselves and you're actively wondering if it's 'too strong' to simply lay it on a bit thick how great they are, here's several tons of validation, all in one go, but wait - then it'll devalue that? but you can't say NOTHING, maybe just wait a bit, hopefully she's safe...
i don't know, that's the kind of shite pickup artists go on about. except you have to actually do all this weighing up and measuring and in the long term there's no answer that will actually work 1. for her, and 2. for the safety of your own brain. you have a limit. it'll hit that limit.

i am making a mistake.>>78850646
we all have multiple personality disorder, that's why
>i could have written that exact post
the same thing DID happen to you.