C-4 Plastic Explosive

Gun designer, gun nut, Mark Serbu has debunked the claim of exploding electronic device. It's C-4 plastic explosive retards. Enjoy sleeping on the couch as you have been deboonked.
>trusting a fucking gypsy
Fuck off glowie you aren’t feeding me anymore lies.nah c4 requires a non trivial detonator. more likely it was some other compound far less stable that you've never heard of>>482169216
Yea they claimed it was petn. But we all know that shit wasn't it>>482169216
>c4 requires a non trivial detonator
what does that mean>>482169551
Electronic spark, pre explosion or laser are just 3 methods of setting it off. Heat will not do it>>482169674
well aren't there electronics in pagers>>482169753
Yes but Israel news said they heated the battery to cause it.a flat out lie. But since they admitted to have them made we can assume they put custom firmware and a board mod to do it>>482169489
PETN is flammable at 190°C, and ignition is ensured by raising the temperature of the battery as a result of raising the voltage.>>482169846
so if heat will not do it and someone said heat did it and that was a lie then why do you conclude that there couldn't be c4 in there>>482169846
Yes, you swap out the battery pack with pre-made stuff for this operation in transit. The chip that regulates the battery stops regulating it in response to external command, whether that be UHF pager waves (which israel hacked leading up to it) or some sort of radio transmission.
Hezbollah reports already said that some threw away their pagers because they were overheating, before they exploded. A small battery like this will reach well above 190°C by raising the voltage, even before it goes into thermal runaway.>>482169988
I said the method of detonation is a lie. Remember veitnam vets used pinches of c4 to heat coffee due to it burning and not m detonating. I have a theory on the board change to make it blow>>482168920
How can it be debunked when it was just rebunked though? At most its bunked right now and can be debunked or rebunked depending>>482168920
but what about the walkie talkies?>>482169216
Look up PETN. Seems to be used in every Mossad operation. You can make it explode with a little bit of heat.>>482170213
mythbusters does a couple of videos on C4 it has to be detonated with a charge, fire and even shooting it with a tracer round didnt set it off. Its pretty stable unless its old or stored incorrectly.>>482170213
by method of detonation do you mean the type of explosive
i'm not following why you think c4 couldn't have been used>>482170319
what about all those people who have been buying those cheap walkie talkies off ali baba lol hope they werent made in Israel. Baong Fei or something>>482170415
C4 isnt heat detonatable as has been reported as being the method of detonation