JQ 4chan Mockumentary

Codex Rat
An """Antidote""" To Antisemitism
2000+ Years Together
Part 03
Previous Thread >>481954056
>What is Codex Rat?
Codex Rat is, like Codex Pajeet, intended as an assault. However, this assault is sneaky, in that it doesn't count as hatespeech, but its calibrated and curated to be as hateful as possible, with sick memes to wash it down and keep the zoomers interested.
It's presented as a documentary by the Daily Wire, narrated by Jordan Peterson. Whatever you assume it is if you think its negative, it's not.
>wtf are you saying?
Watch a minute of this (Part 02)
And then you should get it. If not, you're a daft cunt and I'm not tard wrangling.
Part 01 is here also
And everything is available on Odyssey, Bitchute, and X, as requested.
>Am I the Codex Pajeet anon?
No, he's great and inspired me to do one.
>Fuck you this is weird I dont like it.
>Why arent you screeching endlessly about Bible Reference XYZ and being an obnoxious boring faggot?
Self explanatory.
>Stop spamming
I said I'd make one thread when I made part 03. Suck my cock that's what I've done.
>What can you do to help?
Bump, share, cut and chop, anything you feel like. Same rule as before. I wont spam when I have nothing new.
If you like it and want other people to share it, then make a thread about it if there's none. Easy peasy.
>When is Part 04?
Have to take a day off to recover, then after. More prep/tweaking time, the better
1-2 days per piece.
Intros won't be as long next time, but seeding "Judeo Boomer Values" is important for the rest of the content
>Inb4 spam bot
Fuck you Luigi, you fat bald schizo>>482135203
Vile demonic trolls