did kikes sneak explosives into the pagers or was it just battery?

whats the model of pager that kikes blew up can we see pics of the style and get some specs?

is it like the kind we had back in the 90s or are terrorists using some touchscreen version? i want to see how big the battery is>>482006107
they intercepted a shipment and swapped it for some they already put small amounts of explosives in probably over the battery then hacked the devices to heat up the battery to the explosive material that probably blows up when it reaches a certain temperature. Very cool stuff.>>482006107
its a supply chain attack.
basically they put like 20g of high explosives near the battery and then remotely heated up the battery so it triggers the explosion.
must been a huge operation getting their hands on the shipment, taking each device apart and rigging them. like they detonated 1000s of them.
then closing them and sending them on their way without anyone figuring anything out.