Is it autistic to debate spiritual subjects with your family?>>481997813
Dad is smort, Jesus didn't pretend to be logos.>>481997813
Jesus IS God>>481997813
>dad 1 autist 0
Christ is king>>481997813
Why would you ever do that?
Be better, bro.>>481998120
Perhaps he thought he really was since he was insane
Never was is not and never will be
All the rebuttals just come down to “Jesus is God” “Christ is King”. Same ahit everywhere.
Do what? Tell the truth.>>481997813
Good for Dad

Christ is King>>481998439
Jesus is God
Christ is King
OP is a Faggot>>481998549
Nigga doesn’t even go to church and thinks being gay isn’t a sin, he just knows “jebus good”>>481998667
Living exactly as Christ intended, based dad>>481998667
>free will isnt compatible inside a universe that a omniscient and omnipresent god rules over
>all abrahamic religions stole heavily from Zoraster and pagans they claim to hate
>christians also handed over the kingdom to jews who use them ad meat shields and still to this day evangelicals do free labour and fight in wars for them
Heh never change retard>>481998549
A deranged Jewish carpenter born to a harlot: who performed magic tricks, regurgitated older philosophical ideas while he just made worse while figuratively and literally sitting on his high horse, denied human nature, caused social disorder, compared goyim to dogs, wanted his followers to be masochistic slaves, and had his disciples make up absurd lies that he broke the laws of physics and logic and rose form the dead is not the Logos but rather a blasphemer to the highest degree.>>481997813
Logos is Greek for logic, stupid christcucks.>>481998755
Jesus wanted people to follow and assert the moral code of the OTNo ofc not. Ideallythe best place to start.>>481999102
Jesus wanted all people to love eachother and live as brothers, it was the majority of his ministry>>481999047
Ye are doofus