USA has a gun problem: Man kills teenager who was trying to take homecoming photos

The situation with guns here in the United States is completely out of control. Some teenagers were looking to take pictures for homecoming and stepped on some psychopaths property and he ended up shooting and killing one of them.
If guns were banned, this would not have happened.
Guns belong in the hands of professionals only. Regular people like this psychopath just use it to kill kids and innocents.>>481995174
>If guns were banned, this would not have happened.
That's why guns need to stay.Stay off private property you dumb nigger ape.>>481995449
This. I highly doubt we are getting the full story anyway.>>481995174
That is very isolated property. They were not there for photos.>we wuz just serchin 4 fotoz bitch ass cracka

k den>>481995449
They were already off his property and in their car.
We already got the full story, the two young men were looking for a good spot to take homecoming photos in and were looking around this spot that is not clearly marked as private property.>>481995174
That white man was put into a self defense situation by the young criminal, seems open and shut to me>>481995627
It would be a good place to take a homecoming photo as they probably wanted to take one out in the wilderness and who knew some psycho lived there. Control of guns would have prevented this.>>481995766
What kid of self defense situation is it? They was in their car already. The guy could have asked if they needed help and explained that they cant take their homecoming photo in these woods because they belong to him.>>481995835
Staying off of other people's land would also have prevented this.>>481995449
>shoots trespassers because he thought that was legal
>gets charged with murder because it was never legal
Someone that retarded could always claim they’re not competent to stand trial or something.I highly doubt this is the entire story.
>They admit teens hopped his fence and ignored no trespassing signs
They wuz just out jogging and curious about a construction site, right?>>481995174
“We were just wanting to take cool Homecoming pictures.” Well, that’s a new one.>>481995745
>not clearly marked as private property
If you don't own it, assume somebody else does unless it's marked PUBLIC.>trespassing teen gets shot in the face
Based. Trespasses will be shot survivors will be shot again>>481995941
How did they know it was someone's land if its not marked? If they knew, they would have asked for permission. If this man was normal and not a psycho he would have asked "Boys what are you doing here? This is my property" and it would have been solved.>>481995919
>They was in their car already
Nigger detected>>481996051
also, I'm pretty sure you can find a list or map of all state and national parks or otherwise public lands online.>>481996003
No they were driving around looking for a cool place to take a homecoming photo at.>>481996087
Did you even watch the video? There are no trespassing signs, the teens climbed over a fence and supposedly knocked on his door to ask for permission meaning they knew they did not have permission. They absolutely knew they were trespassing.>>481996087
>How do they know if it's somebody's land if it's not marked
Do you own that land? If you don't it's somebody else's.>>481996087
>If they knew, they would have asked for permission
>If this man was normal and not a psycho he would have asked "Boys what are you doing here?
the fact remains that had they not been somewhere they shouldn't have been, they wouldn't have been shot.>>481996189
Watch the video, you retarded nigger.>>481995745
They obviously should have brought a tank.