>Published across five volumes between 1923 and 1931, Churchill here tells the story of The Great War, from its origins to the long shadow it cast on the following decades.
>Volume I covers the origins and earliest days of the war from 1911-1914, as well as the longer history of the collapse of the Great Power system from the Franco Prussian war onwards. Churchill here explores the international tensions over the Balkan states that triggered the conflict as well as the arms race between the British and German navies.
Previous Thread: >>23944679>>24046828 >Post any good history books. >The World Crisis - Winston Churchill You know proving you're a fucking idiot in two sentences is slow for /lit/.Recommend me a relatively short history book which can be finished rather quickly—the topic doesn't matter.>>24046945 CLR James Black Jacobins EP Thompson Time, Work Discipline and Industrial Capitalism