I slept with an umbrella next to me under my blanket and felt refreshed the next day

Is this the real Kogasa experience?You're a faggot.>>47741005
Depends, did it try and jump out and fail to scare you at some point later?>>47741690
Sadly noumbrella or flesh puppet

you choose>>47741888
Ok well just keep at it and give it another century or so and then maybe you'll start getting some failed spooky umbrella moments.
You can wait that long, right Anon?>>47741964
If Eirin exists and gives me the elixir
Or I abandon my pitiful body of flesh>>47741911
flesh puppet in winter and summer
umbrella in summerCute>>47741005
umbrellas smell bad due to mildew>>47745005
...do you not dry your umbrella after use?