Would you want to work there?

>Uniforms provided
But they only got maid uniforms....>>47726980
You already posted this a few months ago anon...>>47727005
They'll turn you into a cute girl to wear one.>>47726980
This was an advertisement in a (in the end unpublished) weekly newspaper that was targeted mainly at Tengu society. The ad is obviously targeted at fairies.
How is this going to work? Are fairies near Youkai Mountain just stop pranks from time to time to read news? What is literacy rate among fairies, anyway?>>47727359
The truth is the fairies never decide to enlist in the SDM on their own. Whenever someone gets sick of a fairy's antics, they have someone capture and deliver the fairy to the SDM.>>47727640
>they have someone capture and deliver the fairy
So... Who are those fairy-drivers? Is this some intermediary position between being youkai-bait and being youkai exterminator?>>47727031
my conspiracy theory is that he's hoping someone will get inspired to write a story for it like the last person to post an AFiEU advert>>47726980
They had me at guaranteed food, clothing, and shelter.>>47727359
The purpose of the ad is to make people think that fairies are going to the SDM because they want to work there, where in reality the evil gay maid is kidnapping the poor girls and keeping them as slaves.
Look at the fairies in the picture. They do NOT want to be there.>>47727713
I'm a boy and a human so I don't meet the requirements>>47728483
i think i have a lot in common with the hobgoblins>>47727732
The AFiEU ads have started some great threads over the years