iPhones are exploding in Lebanon, throw your iPhone now and save your face from being btfoYou have nothing to fear unless you are a terrorist ;)>>102441846
>vote trump
>get your iPhone exploded in your face
>blind for the rest of your life
yeah nothing to fear>>102441867
Then don't vote trump, should be pretty easy, right?this just means apple is going to start making tamper labels for their products and it will probably drop prices in the used device marketplace>>102441867
kek i love rightoids and their persecution fantasies>>102441907
>conservatives: have to keep their heads down or some shitlib is going to make them lose their job, censor them, put them in jail or outright murder them - not persecuted
>shitlibs: might be called "sir" while raping kids in a girl's bathroom - ZOMG THIS IS TRANS GENOCIDE
Never gets old.>>102442467
nta but
>noooooo I'm the victim here BAAWWWWWWWWWWWW
will someone please think of the racebaiting blacked and bnwo webm posting mudslimes from int, trash, and gif. NOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE JEWISH BVLLS DONT KILL THE SUBVERSIVE GASLIGHTING MUDSLIMES BY EXPLODING THEIR PHONES!!!!>>102441907
>zogbot literally can't think of anything mudslims are guilty of, so he just randomly decides to accuse them of spreading blacked cuckshit
>when literally every single blacked cuckshit porn site is owned by jewish corporations
Paul Joseph was right.>>102442759
im sorry but im just too good at nooooooooticing, i can tell when some mudslime immigrants in netherlands or france posts cuckshit on gif and int>>102442467
kek i love rightoids and their persecution fantasiesNo sane /g/entooman would be using hardware backdoored iphones on the first place