What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?An increase in self awarenessMake the normies valorize their privacy more.>>102439293
Better UI.
Let users use terminal much less often.
Not throwing technical shit to users.>>102439293
he needs to do something about his jaundice>>102439293
Not needing to access bios and boot order. Never needing to touch the terminal. Probably also needing it installed by OEM. they'll still be scared but maybe give it a chance if not needing a windows license bumped 100 bucks off the price. It would have to be some kind of custom distro with protections the basically make it nothing but a browser machine like chrome OS but degoogled.>>102439293
Because Linux isn't better in any way. It has less software, less hardware support, lower performance in tasks people actually want to do, and you have to reinstall when anything goes wrong.
It's why Linux has only found any sort of success in areas where none of this matters: single-tasking IoT lightbulbs or ISP-supplied modems, embedded and server where you can control what hardware is available top to bottom (or are running in a VM), etc.