/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General

Fox TWS edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102397813the kinera celest gumihos are on sale on ali. under 26usd if anyone wants to try a cheap planar+ba combo.>>102420851
From what I experienced with Tin C5, it's quite horrible. Bad FR, bad timbral mismatch between the drivers. I've never liked "+1BA" configurations. BA typically just adds a 6k-10k peak overlapping the other full-range driver. It's plain bad.FurGODs wonI can't even see the filters on my novas. How am I supposed to clean or replace them if (when) they get clogged.
Also this stupid cable has nothing but microphonics out the arse.S12 with a medium density+high density foam are kino>>102421239
why did you buy them, everybody knows the cable is shitAre the porta pros the only comfy and decent set of headphones under 100$?>>102421308
>Hair gets stuck in metal band
Inb4 baldI just got new earbuds and they fall out of my ears more than the old ones and I don't know why. Do ears adapt to new earbuds and could that stop them from falling out or not?>>102421506
Try running your ears under warm water first. Human ears are made of cartilage which can be reshaped when heated a bit. Just don't use water that's too hot or you could burn yourself.>>102421307
Because I can (will) just buy another cable. I bought them to listen to not for the cable.>>102421257
have a graph? I'm curious what it sounds like with high density foams in addition to Pro's mediums, how's the air?>buy treble cannons
>reducing the treble makes them better
many pos are tuned like this from the factory, see Kato for example, very bright drivers and very aggressive dampening to make its sound balanced>>102422471
thief's prestige, you're a burglar, a robber's child