Is this real?
Only 170k crypto millionaires in the whole world?170k is a lot more than I thought there would be lmao. Keep in mind a lot of people only hold alts because 'btc too expensive' and ether is 50% of it's ath. If we were bulling and eth was at 6000 USD and alts were past their aths (at least ones like avax and link, anyway) there would probably be 10 times that number.>>58913897
And I am one of them>>58913897
how was this data collected? they probably just scanned addresses, which ignores the fact that most of us have multiple wallets + crypto on exchanges + are multichain. there's no way its accurate, but its as close as they could guess>>58914199
Yeah only a retard would have everything in one wallet.
I have several unconnected wallets per chain>>58914205
sounds like you don't count as a millionaire then anon.>>58914199
If true it's likely based on reporting from insider sources like exchanges and extrapolations from normal wealth distributions seen elsewhere.

Still the numbers for 100M and 1B are incredibly small given all the so-called whales you hear about.>>58914222
Checked and kek'd
What's up with the tentacled dude?>>58913897
>had 6 figures worth of erc-20 shitcoin bags in late 2020
>never cashed out
>4 figures now
God I hope some of them pump again soon>>58913897
It's less than that. Most people still don't give a shit about crypto or they sold it to pay for groceries. You have no idea how early you are.>>58914294
have any 2020 defi coins even tried going up lately? the food coin era was wild.>>58914010
People overestimate just how little most have invested hoping for a 100x.>>58914414
people were saying this 8 years ago>>58913897
1% of the world's billionaires are from Crypto but only 0.3% of the world's millionaires.>>58914187
Straight up, QAN chads are gonna be flexin' on that list next year.>>58913897
way lower on the centi millionaires then what i would have expected>>58913897
Those are probably just counting wallet data. So duplicates should limit those numbers quite a bit unless someone is crazy to put their whole fortune on one wallet>>58913897
That's a lot>>58919153
i doubt they'd be able to use wallet data, but even if they did it would balance out since custody services and exchanges all mix money into few addresses too>>58913897
that seems like a lot of people>>58914294
how do you even do that
I can see holding for too long as in weeks/months too long, or round-tripping your gains in that kind of timeframe, but did you actually expect some erc-20 shitcoins to be a stable multi-year hold?
or was it like one of the above scenarios and you just decided to hope to not have to sell for a loss>>58919335
look at all the link bagholders still posting here
they're just emotionally attached to ancient alts>>58919451
chainlink is kinda different tho I think. i could see why some people would think that could be a long-term hold even tho it's an ERC-20
though after it skyrocketed from $0.50 you'd think you'd go ahead and sell at some point>>58919460
it was a great play up until july 2020
but it was on the market <3 years until the btc top and its been over four years since then

holding alts is the path to someone elses wealth, not your own>>58913897
shut it down>>58919331
surprisingly not really >>58918337>>58914222
>I hold everything in the same wallet and never revoke connections
nigger, a wallet costs 70 bucks
you can afford serveral 70 bucks wallet if you're in 5 or 6 digit hell>>58914210
do you think he would be counted as one even if he had everything in one wallet? someone on /biz/?