Genuinely how tf am I supposed to get a girlfriend

I'm 22. My grandparents were married when they were my age, and my parents were dating each other when they were my age. My younger sister has a long term boyfriend, all of my cousins have girlfriends, so I'm now literally the only one in my entire family that is single.
Clearly, I'm not the only one with this problem, since most young men are single and the entire west is facing a population crisis due to no one breeding.
How am I supposed to get a girlfriend? Please tell me, this shit is fucking maddening.
>Dating apps
0 matches over the span of 4 years
0 interest from women, get ghosted all the time, women just want to sleep around then ghost you
80% people over the age of 50, the young people that are there already are there with their boyfriends, I've never seen a single woman my age at a church
>Clubs and hobbies
No women my age there
Don't work with any girls my age
>Random approach IRL
50% chance girl will freak out and call police on you
Is this how it ends? Am I going to end my bloodline? Is this how white people go extinct?
Also, I'm:
6' tall, normal looking, have hobbies, have lots of interests, can cook, I'm a musician, I go out every day of the week, I've tried asking girls out and i've tried every single one of these approaches, I dress well, and I have good hygiene. So wtf is it because I always here people say "oh youre not tall enough", "your face isnt good enough", "you aren't interesting enough", well guess what faggot I'm all of those so what the fuck is going on?