Mom is pissed that I want to become a man

>never liked girly stuff
>raised by single mom who tried really hard to be there for me
>did girly stuff with her just to spend time with her and show I appreciated her
>she still has some of the cross-stitched portraits I made with her hung up in her living room
>told her today I've been looking at trans stuff for a while
>added that I never felt right in my own skin
>she acts like I tell her I'm killing myself
>tried to talk me into a psych ward
>begged me not to do this to myself

Now I feel like shit for having been honest with my mom. Her reaction doesn't change the way I feel about my body, but I do feel guilty for bringing her so much grief.

I don't want to hurt my mom, but I don't think I can be happy anymore unless I become a man and that would break her heart for how she reacted to the idea of it.

Is there any chance she'll come around after I start testosterone, or should I figure out a way to keep everything secret and just pretend that I'm the same as I ever was when I spend time with her?You will never be a man>>32005623
Alright then, my mother is upset that I want to become as close to being a man as is possible by way of current medicines and surgeries, with intent to refer to myself as a man and live under a male identity. Does that trigger you somewhat less, or can we stick to the abbreviated, "I'm transitioning into being a man"?>>32005636
No. You will never be a man and you will break yourself for the false pretense that you will be happy instead of just settling for being a tomboy.>>32005588
Please become a man so I can spoil you with gifts and finances