Parents want me to enlist if war comes

I am a 19yo guy from eastern europe with parents who said they will tie him up by the hands and feet if mobilization is enacted and will only let him go once the enrollment comes to collect him. They don't even like this country yet they want me to die for it.
What should I do?What country?>>31997091
Unironically fight them. I'm dead serious. Do not let them do that shanghai shit. They straight up want you to go die for a country you have no involvement with and would most likely sell you out to your country's draft gestapo. Get the FUCK out of there, and I'm not talking your parent's house, but the country. Shit is only going to get worse before it gets better.>>31997118
>Unironically fight them.
When? Also physically? That is precisely what they want so that I will have to fund their retirement thus be impoverished for my whole life since I take on their debts. This is due to where I live, you legally have to take care of your parents and your siblings, grandparents and other "straight line" relatives.
And if you don't they can sue you for all you have and take all of your income before it even arrives to you. So you cannot avoid meeting or even speaking to them.
Kinda like child support but the only mistake you made is being born in a pit of snakes.
>I'm dead serious. Do not let them do that shanghai shit. They straight up want you to go die for a country you have no involvement with
Besides this I am the only member of my family under 55, which further puzzles me as to why they want me to die. Only 3 people in the world have the same family name as I and the rest of my extended family avoids them like the plague but agrees with them that I am worse than dirt so they treat me badly thus I avoid them.
Another thing to mention is that they have repeatedly tried to fuck my life up but have failed many times due to me second guessing them while also exposing them to the world at what shit they do. Normally they should rally behind me but all of them have just said that it's my parents rights to do this, which again just puzzles me even further.>>31997118
>Get the FUCK out of there, and I'm not talking your parent's house, but the country.
I have no money for a passport, a car(and the fuel and maintenance for it) nor for even a drivers license(my parents only wanted to give me some when I was taking my final highschool exams, not before nor after which just proves their heinous intentions. Again the question is why?)
I am done with electrician trade school yet cannot find a single job in that field. Even if I did, it would be minimum wage with only 40/70-86 hours of paid labor a week, because my countrymen just LOVE being slaveminded and cracking down on any labor movements and unionizing efforts even if it would benefit them too, just so they could stay on their boss's good side for no apparent reason.>>31997091
show them all the top posts of r/DroneCombat or one of the 110 videos of russian soldiers committing suicide after getting droned to reinforce that being an infantry soldier these days is absolutely fucked (you need a leddit account to be able to view nsfw clips)

the kind of people that think that fighting in a war is something that is somehow morally obligatory are the exact kind of people that have absolutely no idea what war is like and have a very childish view of how much control soldiers in war have over their fate, when in reality you're just flipping coins all day long that no drone decides to fuck you up, that no mortar randomly hits you or that you catch no bullet from some dude you can't even see>>31997224
I meant it more metaphorically as in DON'T LET THEM TIE YOU UP OR GET THE JUMP ON YOU. Dude, don't you get it? Think. You just described your own problem. They want you to go to war WHY? So they can take everything you got. They are using your country's laws to exploit you into taking care of them until you're of no use.

Get a license. Stay with friends. You genuinely need to find a way out're going to be forced into the service and trust me this is one war you wanna miss out on.>>31997244
>show them all the top posts of r/DroneCombat or one of the 110 videos of russian soldiers committing suicide after getting droned to reinforce that being an infantry soldier these days is absolutely fucked (you need a leddit account to be able to view nsfw clips)
They do not care. My female extended family members were talking about the ukraine in 2022 and they were saying that it's not a bad thing since only men die(in my whole extended family I am the only male under 55, I have a 37yo 5'1 380lbs female cousin with a black kid whose dad was a somalian refugee but left)
>the kind of people that think that fighting in a war is something that is somehow morally obligatory are the exact kind of people that have absolutely no idea what war is like and have a very childish view of how much control soldiers in war have over their fate, when in reality you're just flipping coins all day long that no drone decides to fuck you up, that no mortar randomly hits you or that you catch no bullet from some dude you can't even see
They say that me dying is my own problem, they are well aware of the war.>>31997377
in that case i am a 100% with this guy >>31997262>>31997262
Oh, that is already the current policy I have. Ever since I was 12 I could beat both of them as they both are well above 270lbs while I am 5'8 and 120-130lbs.
>They want you to go to war WHY? So they can take everything you got.
I only have 2000 usd cash to my name, everything that I own is about 4000usd. All because ever since I was 8 I have saved every single penny(figuratively and literally, I have a bunch of coin jars sitting around waiting to be turned into cash) that I could get my hand on.
I wanted to work since I was 11 however it is defacto illegal to be employed until you are 18. So the money comes from meager scholarships(since they were introduced in the 5th grade I have got them up until the 12th which I finished this year), work for my parents which only paid me a dollar for an entire day's work and whatever gifts I got from my family cuz they didn't want to look bad. All these meager incomes I have saved until now, in a country with an average wage of 200usd.
Meanwhile my dad has a job which he gets 15000usd a month as an "senior mechanical engineer" despite him not being able to do 6th grade math.
They also have borrowed money from me until I was 13 and I am missing 1000usd yet they refuse to give it back.
>They are using your country's laws to exploit you into taking care of them until you're of no use.
I can't take care of them if I'm dead now am I?
>Get a license
And spend 1/10th of my life savings savings?
>Stay with friends
Don't have any as this area is rife with drugs, violent crime prostitution and morally filthy individuals.>>31997262
>You genuinely need to find a way out otherwise
My way out is 2 years of working as an industrial electrician for minimum wage for the experience and to bolster my savings then 4 years of electrical engineering university where if i am lucky I could also work part time as an industrial electrician still. After uni I shall obtain a job in the international merchant marine for 4000usd a month starting salary as an electrical officer for the entire ship.
>'re going to be forced into the service and trust me this is one war you wanna miss out on.
Technically I have a bunch of health issues due to my parents neglect to take me to a doctor when I was a toddler which could make me less likely to be conscripted. But for that I am going to need state health insurance which is a more than an entire monthly salary for those who aren't employed as despite the state owning the entire healthcare system and us having a right to health, this doesn't count supposedly.>>31997441
1/0th of your life savings? Jesus christ your country isn't doing so hot, huh? I'm glad you can defend yourself at least. I'm just saying that your parents MIGHT not need you taking care of them if they seem so sure they could tie you up and throw you outside for the wolves. You live in a bad area in a european country. What little you have is like a king's ransom for them. They see you as little more than a mouth to feed. They do not care about you except for your "obligation" to take care of them.

I know it's rough anon and I can't help you with leaving your country. I just know that saying here might be a drain on your life and what little you have.

In that case maybe hold out until you have more money but hide most of it somewhere. Bury it in the yard or under a crawlspace or something. The military might not take you if you're sick but they're probably desperate for recruits.>>31997455
sounds like a good plan. i don't think there's a high likelihood of war if you're from eastern europe, so the conscription scenario likely won't occur.
most countries that russia would be interested in are NATO and now that it burned most of its armored resources from soviet times in ukraine, there's not much left to make a serious attempt at a NATO country. especially while they are still tied down in ukraine, and arguably lots of years afterwards when they will still be recovering from that.>>31997461
>I'm just saying that your parents MIGHT not need you taking care of them if they seem so sure they could tie you up and throw you outside for the wolves.
Huh, so they just want to spend less?
I eat a single meal a day and wash once a day. Change my clothes and pillow covering once every two days, my sheet coverings once a week, my bed covering once every 2 weeks and the blanket and pillow every month.
In the past they whined I washed myself daily and not wash their ass and genitals weekly then their whole body once a month.
I am not picky what food I eat, I mostly eat their leftovers.
>What little you have is like a king's ransom for them.
My entire life saving's is at most a third of my dad's monthly income, how the hell is that a signifficant sum in their eyes?
>until you have more money but hide most of it somewhere
I already have since I was 13. I have a safe which has all my money and valuables: one of a kind handmade supposedly egyptian and from the 1700s/1800s or 17th/18th or 19th century (i do not remember exactly what wording he used) sterling silver ring which weighs 20grams which I bought when I was 15 as my first piece of jewelry and two 1kg bars of 99.9% jeweler's silver.
When It was outside of it's hiding place my mom in my sleep took the key which I placed in one of the pockets of my wallet and unlocked it which woke me up but I stayed still and with my eyes closed. Thus I put the key to another lock in it's place so if she tried to use it again it will not work. The key to my safe I hid between my blood donor card and my bus card inside of an already hidden pocket, the other key being hidden between a bunch of folded papers.>>31997461
>The military might not take you if you're sick but they're probably desperate for recruits.
I hope so, I have so much material about how ineffective and corrupt it is, how old their equipment is and so on.
The thing is, none of this is documented which is why I mentioned health insurance previously, so that I may go to the GP(general doctor in my language) and get documented with my illness.
>sounds like a good plan.
Working on the merchant marine is legitimally the only way I have found to legally earn a pretax salary of more than 1500usd in my country. The best part? It's untaxable! So it is morally the right thing to do as I give the middle finger to my shithole of a country's government.
Any suggestion I do otherwise?
To say nothing about owning a business here with no connections is a defacto impossibility since you might encroach on a "baron's" business thus get "raped" by environmental files even if your business is just a lightbulb store. There is blatantly no logic for these fines, just a big fuck you.
The only other two ways besides being an officer in the merchant marine and a connected business owner is to be a high ranking government employee(bribes and influencing) or politician(same shit as above).
>i don't think there's a high likelihood of war if you're from eastern europe, so the conscription scenario likely won't occur.
I hope not, however my country is in NATO so we might just get dragged into a war.
>especially while they are still tied down in ukraine, and arguably lots of years afterwards when they will still be recovering from that.
Yeah, that's especially the problem. My country is a neighbour of ukraine and since the us has been acting ballsy with Putin thinking he won't retaliate might just mean conflict on the horizon, at best dessert storm 3.0 with only those which voluntarily enlisted into the army(those poor souls) with no conscription, worst case being ww2 but with all the newest toys at play.>>31998280
get a license and passport and go to another country as a refugee. it's easily worth it and you can make better money elsewhere

if that doesn't work, leave feces everywhere you can.

don't try to argue with them, they're narcissists.

be as absolutely erratic and as obscure as possible.
leave turds in the toilet and always have something heavy to hit them with on you if they get physical.

fuck em, they're retarded and want you dead. they are not family, but strange ghoulish creatures trying to feast on your corpse.

record evidence of them threatening you with violence and show it to the police.
also use said footage to start some sort of crowdfunding effort.

mindfuck them out of any attempt to manipulate you.

say "what? " n a confused tone every time they say something fucked up.

eat lots of beans and prepare farts every time they speak.

shave your face except for a neck beard.

then when they mention it, walk away, shave it, and have a fake moustache on hand and act like it was always there.

I could say more retarded shit but the point is to out-retard them as while as accept that whatever the cost to leave, it's worth it.>>31998455
>get a license and passport
Gonna need some money for that, money which I do not have.
>and go to another country as a refugee.
Too white for that. I've tried it before and I was threathened with a mob beating because how dare I think I'm nonwhite when my eyes are blue?
I did this to get the many advantages one has from the social services in a society like mine, where you only benefit if you're a woman or socially disadvantaged(nonwhite) male.
>if that doesn't work, leave feces everywhere you can.
That would be playing into their game too, so they could call the police say I have gone crazy and thus ship me off permanently to a mental asylum.
>be as absolutely erratic and as obscure as possible.
If by erratic you mean crazy, see above.
>don't try to argue with them, they're narcissists.
What makes you think that? I have my own reasons, however this behavior is much too stupid even for a narcissist.
>leave turds in the toilet
Heh, would be a good way to fuck with them but they do not really mind the smell however I would mind it. Ever since I was a little kid I was unconsciously opposed to their very nature.
>and always have something heavy to hit them with on you if they get physical.
The only reason they would win a physical confrontation with me is due to me holding back which I have proven I won't do in the beatings I had with them when I was 17 and 18.
>record evidence of them threatening you with violence and show it to the police.
Already done bro, although it is audio only. I shall keep it when they come after my future high income to convince the judge to reduce or throw out the cse entirely. As if I do anything with it while still living with them I am not sure if I am going to accomplish anything or what consequences this is going to have on me.>>31998455
>mindfuck them out of any attempt to manipulate you.
Idk what you mean by mindfuck, I just go about my business in the most rational way possible, completely ignoring them thus showing how useless they are at affecting me.
>fuck em, they're retarded and want you dead.
That much is clear as to me this behaviour is illogical as nobody gets anything out of it, just wasted time and effort.>>31998280
>also use said footage to start some sort of crowdfunding effort.
Man, you do not get it. My society says that what they do is within the rights of a parents to do. I shall not get sympathy with this only ridicule possibly even providing attention to my parents as they will instantly claim to be victims.
The only rational ways to deal with this is:
1)Kill them
2)"Swallow their turds" until I can afford to live on my own. Basically give them as little attention as possible, it literally drives them crazy!
For example at the end of this august month my mother threw her bra at my face when I was handling electronics and yelling in my face that if I want to hurt her just do it. All because I wouldn't respond to her insults nor tell her information with which she could "hurt" me with(she thinks she does, however I am only annoyed because when she does it I usually blatantly want silence as I am focusing on something).
Another example this time about my father is that when I refused to work hard manual labour from sunrise to sundown for him for free he got angry and tried to punch me in the face. I pulled his hand, and used my foot to trip him(he is 2.5-3x my bodyweight) into falling face first into the wall. Immediately the coward started yelling for help and that I am trying to kill him.
It would also not be out of character for him to tell people that I am violent because I take drugs(I do not. I do not even know how it feels to be drunk or to smoke tobbaco as I considered drugs to be poison ever since I was a child despite my parents objections to me speaking my mind).
And people would believe him without a crumb of doubt because he is much,much older than me. I do not understand why that is as anybody can lie nor even how this became a social norm as it is inherentely destructive and has no upsides at all.>>32000089
But then again I come from the nation with the lowest or second lowest(depending on the statistics used) average national iq of europe, just a few points shy of mild mental retardation.
They would also like to kick me out as I am a "parasite" by not paying "above market" rent.
Besides that I also have to say that my parents had me, an only child at an old age for the sole purpose to take care of them when they are old but at the same time when I was little they told me they will eat, smoke and drink all they have so that I get to take care of their medical debt like a good boy.
My reply as a 8yo was "mom that's fuckin' stupid".>>31997091
You said you're an electrician looking to be an electrical engineer, that means your probably pretty smart, I dont know how things are in Ukraine but in the states if you test high enough to show your worth it they'll support your career the whole way and allow you to work a technical position away from any frontline while still being in the military>>31997244
>you need a leddit account to be able to view nsfw clips)
Bros never heard of old mode>>31997091
I think that if kamala wins the elections, there will be a civil war in the USA. This will result in zero funding to ukraine and enable russia to bulldoze through. I'd focus on getting the fuck out of your country untill the american elections are over.>>32000703
>I think that if kamala wins the elections, there will be a civil war in the USA.
>Gonna need some money for that, money which I do not have.
what does it cost for a passport? looks like you mentioned you can afford a license but it would wipe a big chunk of your savings out.

what's the process for starting a business in your country like? are there goods that you can buy from China and resell?

>however this behavior is much too stupid even for a narcissist
just a hunch, I was raised by two of em.
entitlement, possessiveness, irrational decisions like sending you off to war to die despite them wanting you to pay for them as they age (gives them social cred) .
they are going to seem really stupid, because narcissism will retard your ability to grow mentally.
do they try to twist your words around like all that matters is some imaginary third party that only hears their replies? do they try to people outside of the home they are really good/enviable people while treating others at home like trash? do they lack the ability to reflect on their actions?

>If by erratic you mean crazy, see above.
just unpredictable, it will break the routine they have for you a bit

>however I would mind it.
try to find a middle ground where you could do it without it bothering you.

>Already done bro, although it is audio only.
I don't know where you live, but in many areas you can get the police involved for such a thing. I think it would be worth considering how you can leverage that to get them off your case without blackmail.

>Idk what you mean by mindfuck
just screw with them a bit. something to break the usual habits in the situation

best of luck anon>>32000703
No there won't.
Elections and voting exist to convince retards they are participating. They aren't.
The last election fraud was bungled so badly and there wasn't a civil war then. The pesants are to fast and stupid, and the nobles are still rich: No civil war.>>32000630
>in the states if you test high enough to show your worth it they'll support your career the whole way and allow you to work a technical position away from any frontline while still being in the military
You americans are spoiled.
>I dont know how things are in Ukraine
Not from there but it's wholly hereditary.