Is she a Mary Sue?>>271153701
She's more of a schizo.>>271153701
she's more like my wifeNo, she gets pregnant with (My) children and is also literally the incarnation of all magic and the Root of existence, she's an "ultimate trophy wife" character like Shallow Vernal from "that world was at peace", the purpose of her being stupidly overpowered isn't to make her beloved by everyone in the story and solve all problems to thunderous applause, the purpose of her being stupidly overpowered is to make her more desirable as a partner for the actual protagonist.>>271153831
this anon was duped by Shiki's magic at my behest. she has my children and we are doing quite well>>271153775
Go to bed, Mikiya.>The Mary Sue is a character archetype in fiction, usually a young woman, who is often portrayed as inexplicably competent across all domains, gifted with unique talents or powers, liked or respected by most other characters, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and generally lacking meaningful character flaws.

I mean, the glove kinda fits.