Anti-yuri producer confirmed for Makoto Shinkai's next film

Genki Kawamura, Shinkai's "anti-yuri" producer has been confirmed for the next film.
>The first one to watch my new work (storyboard version I assume) was Genki Kawamura.
Naoko Yamada apparently watched it too.>>271096070
Holy basedI'm sure homoshit was never on the table for his new movie anyways. Fuck off>>271096070
Why should I give a fuck?>>271096603
>western movies as examples
Meanwhile, MahoAko had a yuri kiss and it was a huge success.>>271096603
Given the trailers, I believe it.>>271096584
OP is insecure and needs to feel like he won something.>>271096070
Based. Fuck yuriniggers>>271096070
Who cares?
Overrated hack fell off after Tenki no Ko anyway>>271096658
Mahoako was pure fanservice.>>271096658
Meanwhile, other yurishit flops 90% of the time.>>271096603
Lightyear had gayshit? No wonder it got memory holed hard lmao>>271096848
The girls who kiss are in a romantic relationship.

90% of heterosexual works flop too.>>271096889
They tried to make a huge deal out of background dykes and the collective fatigue blew up in their faces.>>271096070
None of Shinkai's stuff had any yuri so why is this even relevant?