What am I in for?For some reason, this anime gave me comfy>>270946465
Falling asleep.>>270946465
Mushishit. Prepare to die of boredom.>>270946465
The premise was interesting, but the extremely episodic story (had extremely few recurring arcs, was mostly monster-of-the-week) made me eventually drop it.>>270946465
A great opening by Lucy Rose for Zoku Shou10/10 but only if you like this particular sort of stuff.

If you don't love it after like 5 episodes either drop it or just be content with watching the rest without hope of it getting 'better'.>>270946465
Goth Natsume>>270946465
boredom>guys XD sell me his animemes
a big ol nothing burger with two patty, lotsa sauce and extra cheddarYou either love it or hate it.

If you have ADHD you probably won't like it.>>270946465
comfy and beautiful
one of the best anime ever>>270948190
Pretty apt description, tbdesu.>>270948330
It's animes.>>270948300
i have ADHD and this is one of my most favorite animu. it actually tames the brain with it's pacing and scenery-porn.>>270946680
You are right.
In my case it's more than the 1st season was enough.
I didn't watch Zoku Shou because by that point it was boring.>>270946465
One of the most boring animes.>>270948981
In my case it wasn't even boredom, since there are multiple different monsters-of-the-week, with different approaches to their infestation.
My issue was that nothing was genuinely impactful. And the anime went out of its way to point out that nothing Ginko did had any truly lasting impact. He was just a supernatural plumber. Eventually, another leak would spring out.>>270949011

I bet the Mushi made these postsTotal mushi death